Est Read Time: 5 Minutes

Are you struggling with your marketing?

Do you create beautiful, well-thought-out ads and content but find that it hardly converts?

Well, maybe you need to take a deeper look at who your one perfect audience member is!

I know that whittling down your audience to one person sounds scary, intimidating, and very limiting. But I need you to trust me that it is going to do WONDERS for your marketing and business overall 🤩

When you are creating social media content tailored for your audience rather than ‘everyone’ you’ll find it starts to gain traction more. You’ll start to see real growth on your accounts because your right audience is starting to follow you.

Your audience will start to engage more, get excited more, and eventually become a client or customer!

But if you don’t have a clear picture of who your audience is you won’t be able to create content that resonates with your audience. You’ll just continue to waste time creating content your audience doesn’t care about –and that sucks! 😪

I’m telling you from personal experience that once I got clear on who my one perfect audience member was I was able to create content that attracted them. You just need to put the time and effort into learning about them and getting clear about who they are, what they struggle with, how you can help them, and how they will feel after they achieve what they want with you!

I understand that defining your audience as one person sounds scary and you’re probably thinking:

“But if I narrow my audience down to one person I’ll lose out on a bunch of potentials!”

“How can I grow if I’m focused on one person?”

“ONE PERSON?! I serve so many people!”

These are all valid feelings, in fact, I have thought all of these same things myself!

It felt limiting and very, very scary to talk to ‘one person’.

It took me a long time to really get clear on my perfect audience member. Like for real, only in the last year have I swapped up my strategy and really got clear on who I am serving. And guess what –it’s been working!!! 🥳

So let me tell you this golden rule of marketing that helped me and I hope it helps ease your stress:

“When you speak to everyone you speak to no one.”

This is because when you’re talking about a group of people versus talking to one person, it feels impersonal. People want to feel seen and heard, and what better way than to talk to that one specific person?


Using one person ensures you’re able to make your marketing personable. And that is the ticket, my friend.

But to clearly define your ‘perfect one’ you need to think about who they are beyond their age, gender, location, occupation, and education.

What do they look like? What do they struggle with? Where do they like to spend their time and doing what? Who do they spend their time with? What brings them joy and what takes it away?

You want to be so clear on who they are –so clear that you know them better than they know themselves! You want them to read your post or listen to your podcast or video and think, “HOLY! That’s me to a ‘t’! It’s like they’re talking directly to me!”

(Oh, and you can definitely have more than one ‘Perfect One’. Just make sure you create a profile for each of them. But I won’t get into that in this post because I’m trying to help you get started and I don’t want you to try and focus on too many things at once.)

Over time, I’d highly encourage you to make notes on what your audience is saying too. Like exact wording so that you can use those exact words in your content and marketing.

How do they talk about their problems? You want to take their words and use them!

That’s how they’re going to react with, “WOW! That’s me! They know me!”

And you know them so well because instead of wasting time creating content no one is paying attention to and you reinvested it into asking them questions and listening to them, getting to know them.

Okay, so before you head off to start your week I want to give you a few questions to help you define your ‘Perfect One’.

Questions To Ask When Defining Your ‘Perfect One’

Grab a paper and pen, friend!

If you want to know who your ‘Perfect One’ is a good place to start is by answering these 12 questions!

Answer these questions as in-depth as you possibly can! If you can’t answer it –ask your audience. This will be a process that you’re going to need to come back to time and time again.

After you have done that, I’d encourage you to create a story for them. Keep that story nearby when you’re creating content and you’ll help yourself stay on track and relate to them.

I like to do it myself so that I don’t stray from who I’m creating for 🤓

Okay, so without further ado, here are 12 questions to ask when trying to define your ‘Perfect One’.

  1. How old are they, and what do they look like?
  2. Do they have a spouse, kids, or grandkids?
  3. What kind of education do they have and what is their profession?
  4. What are their hobbies and interests? What is important to them?
  5. Where do they spend their time? [Both online & offline]
  6. What does a typical day in the life look like for them?
  7. What are their pain points? what is their frustrations?
  8. What are they worried about? What keeps them up at night?
  9. What are their biggest desires and dreams?
  10. What do they really need?
  11. Where does your ‘Perfect One’ need a confidence boost?
  12. How does your ‘Perfect One’ want to feel?

Answer all these questions and then keep coming back to them time and time again! Write your ‘Perfect One’ story and then update it as you go 😁

I think that you’ll quickly see once you have the clarity just how it helps you! You’ll feel more confident when you’re creating content and I assure you that ideas for what to create will come a lot easier too.

I hope this helps you with your content creation and gives makes you feel more confident in defining your ‘Perfect One’.

Until next week, I wish you nothing but success, prosperity, and happiness!


Looking for help when it comes to content creation? Well, I have fantastic news! I am here and ready to help you. Did you know that Razzle offers Done-For-You Services? Meaning we take your brand’s social media off your plate completely?! Learn more about it by CLICKING HERE 😁

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Content Planning Part 1: Getting Started

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