Planning Your Content

Est Read Time: 4 Minutes

So last week we talked all about the Power of Planning your Day/Week. And honestly, I really loved talking about it!

I could go on all day every day about why planning and organizing can be powerful. But, I also recognize that not everyone is as much of a super fan of planning like myself. –My boyfriend is one of those people 😂

I LOVE to sit down and look at the upcoming month and plan out my weeks. I love getting to write out a list of my priorities and then crossing them off. But not everyone finds the same joy in this.

And that’s why I felt so compelled to write this two-part series! To help show you why it’s such a powerful thing to do and it’s worth doing. Plus, if you struggle with control, then planning things out will help give you back some control in your life.

However, life happens and plans go to 💩 so we have to be open to changing the plan, always.

But when you’ve done the planning in advance, it is much easier to pivot and change direction.

So are you ready to dive into why planning your content is so powerful? Awesome! Here we go!

Why Planning Your Content is So Powerful

My absolute number one reason for planning out content is peace of mind.

I cannot stress enough how at ease you feel knowing that your content is planned and scheduled! Because after it’s scheduled, all you need to do is check in daily on your pages and engage with your community.

And let me tell you as a social media manager, it feels fantastic when you aren’t frantically trying to remember to make a post every single day. Not to mention, showing up at the same time every single day!

You are making your life so much more stressful and much harder than it needs to be. This is why I am stressing that you plan your content.

Gone will be the days of posting on the fly! Unless something comes up last minute and you need to post an update. Which is also easier to do because your regular stuff is already taken care of.

Posting on the fly is stressful 😵‍💫 

Not only that, but it’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping some of it sticks. Chances are, if you’re posting on the fly you are struggling to grow and your community hardly engages with your content…(Which might also be because you don’t know who your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA) is. But that’s a whole other can of worms that I will be opening next week.)

This is why I am saying planning is so crucial when you’re creating content!

Is it a lot of work? YES!

But is it more work than posting on the fly? HECK NO!

Having a plan makes creating faster and easier. You’re no longer staring at your phone or desktop trying to think of something clever to say and taking photos or creating graphics as you go. Just writing about that out stressed me out 😂 (I am a planner without a doubt. It brings me peace.)

Planning also helps take away the surprise of upcoming holidays and events. Plus it helps get you thinking way in advance! Which is crucial if you’re planning to launch a new product or service so you can work them in together.

Content planning gives you clarity and direction. You’re able to create a flow with your content where it complements each other. For instance, I write a weekly blog post aimed at helping you build your online presence and feel confident. I then use the blog post to create social media content for the week! This helps my content flow seamlessly while also promoting and leveraging my biggest piece of content.

Also, believe it or not, planning content and batching it saves you time. Think about how long it takes you to make a single post at a time…for some people, it takes about 30 minutes. But when you brainstorm ideas, plan your content out, then create it, the process just flows much easier and you can eventually create a week of content in an hour or less

And when it comes to creating content, I personally like to outline a whole month’s worth of content on a calendar and then I write out content for 2 to 4 weeks at a time. (I kind of find 2-4 weeks is the sweet zone for how much to make in a go.)

Somedays when I’m creating content for a whole month I have to do it in two batches because I can usually do up to three weeks in one sitting, then I’ll finish it off the next day or in another session a few days later.

It’s a lot of content and I create the captions and the graphics/videos. So I want you to know that if you need to break your content creation process up then do it and don’t feel bad about it. What’s important is you’re taking some time to do a little planning.

Once it’s done and scheduled I literally do a happy dance –I’m not joking 😆


Quick Recap

Okay, so let’s quickly recap what the benefits of planning content are:

  • Peace of Mind
  • Faster creation process
  • No more surprises!
  • Clarity
  • Direction
  • Community Growth
  • More time to do other things

I swear, all of these things happened for me and Razzle when I started to plan out content. It’s insanely beneficial! Even if you don’t love planning as much as I do I’m sure you see the value in it….right?

Now if you’re feeling all pumped up about planning your content, I highly recommend you check out my Content Planning Series! [The links are right below!]

Until next week, I wish you nothing but prosperity, success, and of course, happiness! 😇


PS- If you aren’t sold on the planning part of creating content, did you know that Razzle Marketing will do it for you?! We plan, create, schedule, and engage. Are you just wanting someone to take the planning part off your hands? We can do that! Just EMAIL ME NOW.

Here are some similar blog posts I think you’ll like!

Power of Planning Part 1: Planning Your Day/Week

Content Planning Part 1: Getting Started

Content Planning Part 2: Content Calendar

Content Planning Part 3: Creating the Content

8 Content Ideas for Your Social Media

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