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*When You Don't Know Where to Start Audience Blog Branding Content Creation Getting Started Messaging Social Media

When Your Marketing Isn’t Working, Go Back to Ground Zero: Your Audience

If you’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into your social media (or marketing in general) and you have seen little to no growth or success, I’ll bet you’re feeling pretty defeated?

You’re probably frustrated as heck and wondering what the point even is anymore! Maybe you’re debating pulling the plug on dealing with your social media all together?

Well, I may just have the answer to your problem and it’s much simpler than you think –I will say it’s not ‘easy’ but it is ‘simple’.

Define who your audience is –WHO are you serving?

When I say defined I am talking about if you have such clarity that you can answer the following questions without having to really think about it:

What is their biggest pain point? What are they struggling with? What are their dreams? What are their desires? What is holding them back from achieving their dreams? ‘Who’ are they? Where do they hang out? What kind of language do they use?

You NEED to know who your audience is with clarity. When you are absolutely clear on who you are trying to serve, you’ll be able to talk to them in a way that really resonates with them.

They will know with absolute certainty that you are the person they are going to come to when they’re ready to have that problem solved because your messaging is so bang on they will think you were reading their mind!

Read on and let’s talk about why you need to clarify your marketing so you can create effective marketing.

*When You Don't Know Where to Start Audience Blog Branding Content Creation Getting Started Messaging Social Media

Where to Begin When You Start Your Brand’s Social Media

If you feel stuck, if you don’t know where to start, or if you don’t know what to do, this is where you need to start.

When it comes to your marketing, we have the details about ground zero and where you should begin. If you do this and you do it right, the rest of your marketing will come easier.

You will stress less.

Save more time.

And have the energy to focus on areas you are more passionate about!

If you are just getting started with your brand’s social media or you’re feeling stuck when it comes to your brand’s social media then this is the post for you.

I’ll give you clarity and I’ll give direction, you just need to read on, friend.
(There’s a freebie included!!)

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

3 Tips To Help You Create Content that Connects With Your Audience Better

When it comes to connecting with your audience do you feel like you’re struggling?

Are you spending hours and hours creating amazing content that no one is engaging with?

I’ll bet you’re feeling pretty frustrated at this point and almost ready to throw in the towel!

–Before you do though, I want to highly encourage you to read this blog post. I’m going to give you three actionable tips you can start working on today so you can start connecting with your audience better!

Trust me, I was feeling the way you are just last year.

I was putting out really awesome content but no one was engaging with it! I found it totally disheartening and I started to feel like I had no idea what I was doing.
But then I took a step back and took a good look I realized I wasn’t connecting with my audience because I didn’t really know my audience.

I was also just creating and posting content with no real rhyme or reason, I just was trying to put content out there. I also wasn’t taking the time to talk to my audience…And let’s be real, no one likes to have a one-way conversation in person or online.

So if you are feeling disconnected from your audience read on, because this blog post was made specially for you!

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Services Small Business Help Social Media

Marketing Basics: Defining Your Audience

When you post social media content are you trying to speak to everyone?
Have you heard the advice to widdle your ideal audience member down to one person?
If you have but have not done it is it because you are afraid to narrow your audience down to one person?
I’ll bet you think if you define your audience as one person –that one perfect audience member– you’ll end up limiting yourself 😶
And besides, you know that you could serve anyone who came your way!
And I don’t doubt that, but what if I told you that getting your audience down to ‘one person’ will save you time, money, energy, and stress??
Would you be more interested in doing it?
What if I also told you that you actually make yourself more marketable when you are talking to one person??
Would that interest you even more? 🤩
Then I suggest you check out this post! I’m going to tell you why it’s so dang important to know who your one perfect audience member is (or ideal client/customer) for your marketing!
And I’ll ask you a few questions to help you start defining who your ‘one perfect’ audience is. So read on friend 😁

Blog Content Creation Small Business Help Social Media

What is an ICA?

Do you keep hearing marketers talk about having an ICA?
Do you continue to wonder what it is? Are you confused about how it differs from your audience?
Or maybe you understand what it is but you don’t get why it’s so important?
Well, I have the answer to all of these questions if you’ll just read on 😄
I tell you what an ICA is –clearly!
I tell you why it’s so dang important to know for your marketing –clearly!
What I’m trying to say is that by the time you finish reading this blog post you’re going to have a clear understanding of what an ICA is and why it’s important. So please, read on!