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*When You Don't Know Where to Start Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

6 Online Tool Recommendations for Managing Your Social Media With Ease

Are you looking for tools to help you manage your social media with more ease and less time?

Well, I have 6 awesome tools that will help you do just that!

Each tool I have personally been using to manage social media for myself and clients for the past three years. Each one I suggest I absolutely love and literally use daily.

When you use all 6 tools you’ll find batching and scheduling content is a lot easier and faster! I could not live without them.

If you’re a productivity geek such as myself, you’re going to LOVE this blog post.

If you like organization and efficiency, you’re going to LOVE this blog post.

So if you’re ready to take your social media seriously and manage it with more ease, read on!

*When You Don't Know Where to Start Audience Blog Branding Content Creation Instagram Social Media

What are Hashtags? Do I Even Need to Use Them?

Have you seen or heard of hashtags but you’re still scratching your head wondering what the heck it is and how it matters to you. Well, then this post is going to be for you!

I clarify what a hashtag is for you but I don’t just stop there. I go into why it’s advantageous for you to use them and how to use them effectively.

If you’ve been feeling stuck on your social media growth but haven’t really dabbled with hashtags then you may want to reconsider and give it a go!

Once you understand what a hashtag is and how it helps you I am sure you’ll be in complete agreement with me that you need to be using them.

So let’s demystify what a hashtag is and then talk about how to use it so you can start growing your community organically! Read on, friend.

*When You Don't Know Where to Start Audience Blog Branding Content Creation Getting Started Messaging Social Media

Where to Begin When You Start Your Brand’s Social Media

If you feel stuck, if you don’t know where to start, or if you don’t know what to do, this is where you need to start.

When it comes to your marketing, we have the details about ground zero and where you should begin. If you do this and you do it right, the rest of your marketing will come easier.

You will stress less.

Save more time.

And have the energy to focus on areas you are more passionate about!

If you are just getting started with your brand’s social media or you’re feeling stuck when it comes to your brand’s social media then this is the post for you.

I’ll give you clarity and I’ll give direction, you just need to read on, friend.
(There’s a freebie included!!)

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Social Media

6 Tool Recommendations for Managing Your Social Media With Ease

Are you looking for tools to help you manage your social media with more ease and less time?

Well, I have 6 awesome tools that will help you do just that!

Each tool I have personally been using to manage social media for myself and clients for the past three years. Each one I suggest I absolutely love and literally use daily.

When you use all 6 tools you’ll find batching and scheduling content is a lot easier and faster! I could not live without them.

If you’re a productivity geek such as myself, you’re going to LOVE this blog post.

If you like organization and efficiency, you’re going to LOVE this blog post.

So if you’re ready to take your social media seriously and manage it with more ease, read on!

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

5 Reasons You NEED An Email List (Yesterday!)

Have been wondering if an email list is necessary for your brand?
Maybe you’ve been humming and hawing thinking that maybe it’s just not that important.
Well, I would like to answer both of those questions:
Let me tell you 5 reasons why you need an email in my latest blog post. It will give you clarity on why it’s so important and there will be some facts in there that may blow your mind!
I know that email may seem like a pointless marketing choice because of all the emails that you ignore yourself, but think of the emails that you do open.
How often have you bought things from your favourite brands through email? I know there have been a few times I’ve shopped –unplanned– because of an email they sent me promoting it!
Don’t underestimate the powers of email marketing. Learn more about that and more by reading on.

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

What is a Hashtag and Why Do I Need to Use it?

Have you seen or heard of hashtags but you’re still scratching your head wondering what the heck it is and how it matters to you. Well, then this post is going to be for you!
I clarify what a hashtag is for you but I don’t just stop there. I go into why it’s advantageous for you to use them and how to use them effectively.
If you’ve been feeling stuck on your social media growth but haven’t really dabbled with hashtags then you may want to reconsider and give it a go!
Once you understand what a hashtag is and how it helps you I am sure you’ll be in complete agreement with me that you need to be using them.
So let’s demystify what a hashtag is and then talk about how to use it so you can start growing your community organically! Read on, friend.

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

How Often Should I Be Posting on My Social Media?

Are you trying to manage the social media for your brand and feeling overwhelmed with trying to ‘keep up’?
Do you find yourself wondering, “How often SHOULD I be posting on social media?”
You’ve looked it up and you find SO MANY conflicting answers.
“Post DAILY.”
“Post three times a day!”
It’s completely overwhelming and you are feeling more stressed out than before! Will no one have an answer for you?!
I DO!!
I have one that I think is going to make sense and help you feel a little more confident about managing your social media.
You just need to read this blog post! If you don’t want to read the whole thing, I do give you the answer right away, but I feel like you should read the whole thing so you can better understand why I suggest what I do.
Alright, if you need some answers –read on friend!

Blog Content Creation Small Business Help Social Media

The Most Important Asset to Your Marketing and Business

There are three important assets to your marketing and business. In fact, I would say they are the entire goal of marketing!
And especially when you are just starting out, you’re whole focus is establishing these three things:
How much people know, like, and trust you.
In this post I am talking about why they are an asset to your marketing and business. And I go deeper into why I say every marketing goal is to grow how much people know, like, and trust you.
The only way to be successful is to be known, to be liked, and especially be trusted.
I think this blog post is going to be a real eye opener!
Read on and learn why your know, like, and trust factors are the most important assets to your marketing and business.

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Services Small Business Help Social Media

Marketing Basics: Defining Your Audience

When you post social media content are you trying to speak to everyone?
Have you heard the advice to widdle your ideal audience member down to one person?
If you have but have not done it is it because you are afraid to narrow your audience down to one person?
I’ll bet you think if you define your audience as one person –that one perfect audience member– you’ll end up limiting yourself 😶
And besides, you know that you could serve anyone who came your way!
And I don’t doubt that, but what if I told you that getting your audience down to ‘one person’ will save you time, money, energy, and stress??
Would you be more interested in doing it?
What if I also told you that you actually make yourself more marketable when you are talking to one person??
Would that interest you even more? 🤩
Then I suggest you check out this post! I’m going to tell you why it’s so dang important to know who your one perfect audience member is (or ideal client/customer) for your marketing!
And I’ll ask you a few questions to help you start defining who your ‘one perfect’ audience is. So read on friend 😁