Creating the Content
Est Read Time: 5 Minutes
Okay. So I’m going to be real with you as I have been in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.
I have mentioned a couple of times that I never used to plan out content. When I started Razzle in 2020, it was aimed at doing Facebook Ads for small businesses. Sadly, COV** came and the small budget small businesses had completely disappeared.
I could not get clients and I could not sell them the value of hiring someone to run Facebook Ads for them. And of course, I understood why. It’s hard to spend money you don’t have to make more money.
So I had to pivot. I was making WordPress websites and testing the waters with social media management.
Turns out, I LOVE creating content!!
It took almost two years to vet out my process and figure out what works, what was unnecessary, and where I was coming up short. But fast forward to today, and I have a process that I feel comfortable and confident in! 🥳
Before I was always stressed out thinking, “I gotta get content out today for me and my clients. Oh and I can’t forget to post to all our stories. And I definitely can’t forget about those emails!” And so on and so forth —DAILY.
I’m sure you can resonate with those feelings of stress, overwhelm, and the drain of energy it is.
But once I broke up my content creation into brainstorming, planning, then creating, it made my life so much easier.
So after you consumed Content Planning Parts 1 and 2, I’m hoping you are feeling more confident, inspired, and excited about the process than you did before. So hopefully you’re feeling ready to delve into the content creation part! 😄
Alright, so let’s get to it!
My Content Creation Process
First things first, you should download my Social Content Google Doc:
So now that you have that, let’s get it filled out!
- Write out your social media goals: You want to do this so you have direction for your content but also so you have a way to track if what you are doing is making a difference. With no goals, you’re basically navigating your content marketing in the dark…
- Fill in words and emojis to use and not use: If you’re the only one creating content you won’t necessarily need to note emojis and words to use and not use, but if you get help or plan to get help in the future I’d say it’s good practice to note these. Plus it gets you in the mind space to maintain your brand’s tone and voice.
- Write the content: Alrighty, you’re ready to write out your content my friend! Woo hoo!!!! You did all that brainstorming and planning so that all you have to do is sit down and write. I reference my content calendar to keep me on track with my themes. And this is just where I flesh out the topic.
I write out my points and keep it bite-sized. By bite-sized, I mean that I try to keep my captions as short as possible! You have to keep people’s attention span in mind…sadly, most people will spend less than 30 seconds on your post. So if they see a huge caption, they’re going to move on. Which is why we leverage videos and carousels. - Create visuals to go with your captions: So as I was saying about leveraging videos and carousels…you need them. I’m not saying you have to create long 20-minute videos either. I’m talking about Reels (or Tik Tok videos).> Again, bite-sized content.<
Carousels are those multiple photo slides on Instagram. And to properly leverage them, you want to put bullet points of information so people swipe all the way to the end.
**An excellent trick of the trade is to put your call to action in your visual! So at the end of your video or carousel post, you say: “Save this post!” “Drop a ❤️ if you resonate with this!” “Read the caption to learn more” “Share this post to help get the word out!” (To name a few calls to action.)
[Someone I think does this AMAZINGLY on Instagram is Brock Johnson! I highly recommend following Brock!]
- Schedule Content: Once my content is written out and my visuals are all done up, I schedule my content! This is where the total peace of mind comes from my friend. And did you know that you can do it for free?!
That’s right, using Facebook/Meta’s Creator Studio, you can schedule content for Facebook and Instagram. And let me tell you….it’s LIVE SAVING. Especially since I manage several accounts 😂
But it’s wonderful! You know it’s locked and loaded and all you have to do is check in on your pages and engage with your community!!!
Now download the Google Doc I’ve shared with you and get to work friend!
In Conclusion
So yes, the process can be tedious and long, but I feel pretty confident that you now understand just how much time and stress it’s going to save you in the future…..riiiiiiiiiiiiiight???
I truly get that content creation can be overwhelming, stressful, not fun, and just a real chore. But I found when I created a process, brainstormed, and planned, the creation part was actually way easier.
So I cannot encourage you to give this a try —a REAL try!
And I would LOVE it if you told me about how this worked out for you. 😇
Did you find it helpful? Did it work for you? Are you implementing this as your process now? Were you confused about any of the steps? I want to hear it all from you! Because with your feedback, I can go back and revamp it to be more clear or add more details as needed. But unless I know where it’s lacking or most helpful, I can’t do better.
Truly, I am here to give you clarity and confidence when it comes to content creation, so your feedback is going to be imperative for me to do that 😅
If you’d like to give me feedback on my Content Planning Process please CLICK HERE NOW.
Well, friend, I hope this has been helpful and insightful for you. I wish this makes you feel more confident and prepared to take on your content creation!
Until next week, I wish you prosperity, success, and happiness 🤗
PS- If you continue to struggle with your social media content Razzle Marketing can help you! We’d love to take content creation off of your plate so you have the energy to focus on the aspects of your business that you’re passionate about. Contact me today!
Here are a few other blog posts you might be interested in:
Content Planning Part 1: Getting Started
Content Planning Part 2: Content Calendar