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Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

5 Reasons You NEED An Email List (Yesterday!)

Have been wondering if an email list is necessary for your brand?
Maybe you’ve been humming and hawing thinking that maybe it’s just not that important.
Well, I would like to answer both of those questions:
Let me tell you 5 reasons why you need an email in my latest blog post. It will give you clarity on why it’s so important and there will be some facts in there that may blow your mind!
I know that email may seem like a pointless marketing choice because of all the emails that you ignore yourself, but think of the emails that you do open.
How often have you bought things from your favourite brands through email? I know there have been a few times I’ve shopped –unplanned– because of an email they sent me promoting it!
Don’t underestimate the powers of email marketing. Learn more about that and more by reading on.

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

Where Should I Start With My Online Marketing?

Are you just starting out as a real estate agent or business owner? Are you looking at getting online but don’t know where to start?
I have the best place to start you at my friend!
It’s literally the foundation of your brand, your guiding beacon for what you do and how you do it.
If you don’t have this one thing nailed down you will waste your time and money on ineffective marketing. You’ll continue to be stressed out and attracting the wrong clients —nightmare clients!
Stop now and take a few minutes to read through my blog post. I promise, you’re going to feel a lot more confident on the first steps to take after reading this.

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media Uncategorized

4 Tips to Create Your Social Media Strategy

So, you know you need to be consistent when it comes to posting on social media.
You also understand the importance of producing valuable content for your audience.
But now you are struggling trying to create a successful social media presence for your business… you’re wondering, “How do I bring it all together?”
Well, you want to have a social media strategy.
Learn what a social media strategy is and then we’ll give you 4 tips for creating a social media strategy.
By the end of this blog post you will confidently know how to put together your social media strategy in a way that works for you and your brand!
So read on friend…

Blog Content Creation Facebook Ads Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

Hard Selling vs. Soft Selling -What Are They and How Do YOU Apply Them?

Hard selling versus soft selling.
What is it? How do I use them?
We answer these two questions and more in our latest blog post! This one is going to help give you clarity and confidence when it comes to selling on social media.
By the end you’ll have a clear understanding of what each are and what they look like. And then hopefully, you’ll be feeling inspired and excited to do some selling!
Read on to learn more about a Hard Sell vs. Soft Sell.

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

Social Media Tools: Grammarly

You are beginning to write content and you notice your message is coming across as unclear because you are having trouble with the writing process; from grammar to punctuation, tone, and even clarity.

You have never been much of a writer, and you don’t even know where to start…

You use various spelling and grammar check software but they don’t offer any help in other areas such as fluency, word choice, or readability which would help put your writing over the top.

You don’t have an editor, or a second pair of eyes to check your work or give you any helpful suggestions…

BUT that’s okay!!

Because I’m about to tell you about an online assistant that does it all: Grammarly.

I am here to tell you about the greatest writing tool of all time when it comes to using social media and writing content, and why you need it TODAY! Because let me tell you, it sure is a lifesaver (and especially a timesaver!) –and it’s free.

Read on to learn more about Grammarly!

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Social Media

Social Media Tools: Canva

You’ve realized that you need to start creating some attractive graphics for your brand’s social media that are consistent but you have no idea what to use.
You find quite a few different tools out there but you’re intimidated to learn any of them. You’re not good with computers –or heck, you’re not even confident in using your phone.
But that’s okay! You don’t have to be well-versed with technology to learn how to use this graphic design tool: Canva.
Let me tell you why you want to look at using Canva and I’ll even highlight a few key features I think make it worth having in my latest blog post.
Read more to learn more about Canva!

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

The Beginners Guide to Getting Started on Social Media: Introduction to LinkedIn

Is LinkedIn still unknown territory? Or have you been dismissing it because you think it’s only use is posting and finding a new job?
Well, let me help you gain some clarity on what LinkedIn is and how you can leverage it to connect and grow.
I’ll also share some statistics with you! Not only will you find a few surprising, you’ll also be feeling more confident with getting onto LinkedIn.
Like did you know that 4 or 5 users are ‘decision drivers’ for businesses?? 🤯
Read more about this incredible statistic and much more by reading on, friend. Let me help be your guide to getting started on social media.

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Social Media

The Beginners Guide to Getting Started on Social Media: Introduction to Instagram

Are you on the search for a social media platform that will work for you, and help found your potential clients? But you have no idea where to start?
Well, I am here to help ease your worries by giving you the confidence in deciding what platform is best for you.
By the end of this article, you will have a new understanding of what Instagram is all about and how it can help you reach your online goals.