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5 Things Your One-Page WordPress Website NEEDS

Est Read Time: 6 Minutes

When I started Razzle, I began with a one-page website. I didn’t have clients to show off work for and I sure as heck didn’t have time to build out a huge website when I first started.

I had just had my daughter literally two weeks before launching Razzle, so as you can understand better, I really didn’t even have the energy to expend to create a good, huge website.

I had no intentions of creating a blog with it, nor did I plan to change focus and put my all into my email list. (That I will talk about more in another post!)

I had my mind set on social media and expanding there. But boy oh boy did I learn pretty fast that social media is not the most reliable way of building a loyal following (depending on what you do of course!)

But in all instances that I can think of, when setting up the foundation for your online presence, the two best places to start are with a website and email/texting list.

Social media is rented space –I’ve said this before. While your website and email list are owned by you!

We all know the value of owning something versus renting it.

But it doesn’t have to be this huge project that takes you months to complete! This is why I am going to walk you through what you want to include on a One-Page WordPress Website.

[If you’re looking to set one up, be sure to check out my blog post: How To Set-Up a One-Page WordPress Website]

Now that you know how to set up a website, let’s deep dive into what you want to include on your One-Page WordPress Website!

Multiple Calls To Action

Now you may be asking, “What in the heck is a call to action?”

So let’s clarify that first. A call to action is when you tell someone what to do next, such as:

  • Click the button below to see more!
  • Click Here to learn more!
  • Learn more about this thing by listening to my latest podcast!
  • Call Now 
  • Email Us Now
  • Contact Us Now
  • Read the caption for more details

As much as we talk about independent thinkers, we still like to be guided and have our hands held through things. It’s just human nature to want to be shown the easy way or told what to do because it’s easy and ‘safe’ when you don’t have to question things.

I suggest that you have a call to action right at the top for the people who pop in and know they are ready to buy.

Then, you need one in the middle for the people who want to review some information before committing.

And then finally, you’ll need a call to action at the bottom of the page. This is for the people who want to consume all the information before making a decision.

Contact Information

Of course, you need to include your contact information. I would recommend putting your phone and email at the top and in a panel on the side.

Then, I would include all contact information, including phone, email, social media, and address at the bottom.

I don’t feel like I need to elaborate any further, you know why you need contact information on your website…right?

About You

Okay, so I’m going to try to explain this in a way that hopefully won’t confuse you…

You are writing some copy about you and your business, but you’re actually going to make it all about your customer.

You’re going to talk about who you serve. Then you will lead into how you serve them by talking about their transformation.

What does your ideal customer/client avatar (ICA) look like before they work with you or buy your product? Then go into how they will benefit and look and feel like after they buy/work with you.

The purpose of this is to naturally qualify your ICA, drawing in the right people while repelling the wrong people.

Show Your Work or Successes

Now you should show off one or both of these: Your work portfolio and/or Client/Customer Testimonials!

This will help solidify that people can trust you. That what you sell actually accomplishes the results you said they’d get.

This is an important piece of the puzzle –but don’t worry if you don’t have any client work or testimonials you can include! You can also put examples of work you’ve done in your free time or show off how to use your product.

Then later, you can start to include client work and testimonials.

Your Guarantee

This is something I heard about recently, and I loved it! I honestly can’t remember which marketing podcast I was listening to, but the host was talking about how to set up your website homepage. The last thing they spoke about was including the CEO’s or owner’s guarantee at the bottom of your page.

This is for the people who need to read and absorb all the information. For the ones who are unsure of purchasing and are sitting on the fence.

Hearing from the owner and being offered guaranteed results makes things feel slightly less scary, but I think it’s a crucial piece to have on your website!

Does everyone do it? No. But do I think everyone should be doing it? Heck yes!

How reassuring does it feel to get a guarantee from someone?

Pretty darn great, eh?!

So why wouldn’t we want our customers or clients to feel that way?

That’s why I highly recommend you add that in.

In Conclusion

At the end of the day, the thing I really want to stress to you is not to stress!

Allow this to be fun and easy!

I know that sounds like it is easier said than done, but it really doesn’t have to be such a huge process.

Take it one step at a time.

First, take the time to really get to know your ICA so that your copy captures and resonates with them.

Then, map out all the benefits and outcomes that people will have when they work with you or buy your product.

After, gather together testimonials and work to show off. You only need one or two when you’re starting out! Don’t worry too much.

And at the bottom, write out your guarantee to your customers/clients.

[Need an example? CLICK HERE and take a look at the bottom of my home page.]

Make sure you have contact information all over as well. At the top, on a sidebar, and at the bottom.

Then finally, make sure you sprinkle in three or four calls to action! This can be a ‘Call Us’ at the top, bottom, and middle of your page. Or ‘Email Me Now’ or ‘Contact [Your Name] –whatever you need them to be! Just have multiple.

I sincerely hope this helps give you some clarity on what you need to include and also doesn’t have you feeling overwhelmed.

Believe me, you can take your time and do this in steps. Take your time and let it be easy.

Download the checklist by clicking the button below!

Until next week, I wish you nothing but success, happiness, and prosperity!


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