Small Business Help

Starting From Scratch With Your Online Presence

Est Read Time: 5 Minutes

You have been operating your small brick-and-mortar business for years –with no website.

Before, you didn’t experience any real disadvantages by not having a website. People knew you, they shopped with you, they told their friends who then began shopping with you.

Business was good.

But now, that is not so true. People shop with you, but you’ve seen a steady decrease in customers and revenue. (More than likely a direct effect from the pandemic because people are going out in person less.)

You start to wonder what you could be doing to help your small business regain that traction. A way that won’t break the bank but will help your small business be seen again.

I’m going to cut to the chase and be real with you.

You need a website.

Why do I need a website?

Great question! I am so glad you asked 😊

You need to have a website for quite a few reasons actually! But I’ll highlight the main reasons why you need to get onto getting a website up.

  1. You own it! If you’ve been keeping up with my blog posts, you’ll know that you do not own your social media accounts. That’s rented space where you can be booted out of for any time for any reason. Heck, the social media platform you’re on could just cease to exist. Meaning all the time and effort you put into it was for none. You need a place to bring your customers that you control.
  2. You have total control of it! You can design it and fill it with as much or as little content as you’d like. This allows you to place yourself as an expert in whatever you do.
  3. Most people search for your website first. After they review your website they’ll look for you on other platforms to confirm you aren’t just blowing sunshine their way.
  4. It’s your hive or hub if you will. On your website, you can link it to any and all other online platforms you have and position your website as the main reference guide. Meaning back to it, often.
  5. It makes you more credible and trustworthy. If they go searching and don’t find a website for you, you have immediately made yourself less trustworthy. And in 2021, people have to trust you before they will buy from you. It’s just the way the market has shifted, so you need to adapt.
  6. You can link any and all content to your website. Want to start a podcast? Or do you already have quite a bit of video content made? Include it on your website! There are even widgets you can add to show off your Instagram or Facebook newsfeed. This can help make you more credible in your expertise.

Don’t continue to do yourself a disservice by holding onto old ways. If you want to be a small business owner in 2021 you have to be open to change. You have to know and understand your market. You have to be online.

Now, I know the best and easiest route is to create a Facebook Page, and that is great, but it’s not the best place to start. (Also, are you certain that your customers are on Facebook???)

The best place to start is with a website.

Now, I know that it seems scary and overwhelming, but don’t let that hold you back! If you are serious about wanting to be successful and serving your customers and community then you will take action.

You will get a website up!

Where to Start:

If you’d like to spearhead getting a website up by yourself, I’ll give you some easy steps on how to start.

  1. Choose a hosting service: I personally prefer Bluehost. Their plans are more affordable than GoDaddy and their customer service is much better and easier to get ahold of. They even have a great step-by-step setup process that could help you. When getting set up with Bluehost, you can also buy your domain name. (I also see they have a Website Builder for WordPress which is new!)
  2. Build your website: I am going to recommend that if you are doing this by yourself then make your website on ONE PAGE. It gets crazy and overwhelming when you are trying to create multiple pages.
    Introduce yourself briefly, then go on about who you serve and how you serve them. Make as much of the page about your customer as possible. And make sure to include your contact information at both the top and the bottom as well!
  3. Link it to everything: Make sure you have a Google Business page set-up. Seriously, because Google is a very powerful platform to be on. Just go to the Google Business Page and set up your account and page. Then link your website. From there, link up all your other social media and online platforms to your website.

I know that I have simplified the process, but I am just here today to tell you why having a website is so important and why you need to start there.

Next week, I will dive deeper into creating a one-page website and the information you want to include, so stay tuned!

Do you already know you don’t want to create your website yourself? Then definitely reach out to us! We are taking on clients right now to do just that!

Email me and ask more about a One-Page Website.

So remember, having a website makes you more visible and helps place you as a trustworthy expert. You are doing your small business a disservice by not being online–especially amidst all the current happenings.

Start small and grow from there, don’t overwhelm yourself.

As always, I wish nothing but success and prosperity for you and your business.


PS- Have any questions about setting up your website? Don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I love to help. 😊

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