Small Business Help

You Are Not What You Sell

Est. Read Time: 3 Minutes

Let’s start this off by saying that you are you.

You are not what you sell.

Your business brand is based on your personal reputation, and your reputation is not what you want people to think about you, it’s what they do think about you.

It’s crucial to remember that people do not want to buy from you because of your products or services, they buy from you based on your reputation.

Do you know what your reputation is?

Whether you said yes or no, I still highly recommend you start asking people who are willing to help you grow. People who will give you helpful insights rather than just trying to ciritize you and bring you down.

Because at the end of the day, you want your reputation to match what you want people to think about you.

So I’ll say this again, because it is so important for you to understand: You are not your product or service. People do business with you because they trust you and feel safe working with you.

Marketing is about values –people want to know that they can trust you.

Stunting Your Growth

Marketing yourself as your product or service will not allow you to grow.

For instance, if you sold Protein Shakes and branded yourself as ThatProteinShakeGuy, it’s really going to limit how you will be able to grow and branch out.

As well, you look like a salesman. And chances are, you will be unapproachable because no one will want to engage in a conversation for fear of being sold to.

Your brand starts and ends with you.

There are 100s, if not 1000s, of people who do what you do, which is why you need to market who you are, what your values and beliefs are, and what you stand for.

When you are developing your brand, it starts with likeability and then trust. Because…


There is no shortcutting the process. You have to lead with you, because you are what is going to attract people, not your product.

So I highly recommend you start right now. Share your values, share you. Worry about them finding your products after!

Your customers need to relate to you.

Why is what you do important to you? What do you value? What are your beliefs?

Answer these questions and build content around them, because this is what will make you last and continue to be successful.

Your lifers will continue to stay with you as you evolve if you stay true to you.

Make sure that people know your name and who you are when you meet.

Remember, your reputation, who you are and how you serve others, is what will attract people to you.

I hope you find this helpful and it gives you some direction –if not, then definitely some social media content!

I wish you nothing but success and prosperity in your business.


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