Est Read Time: 6 Minutes
I have been writing my entire life. No joke, I wrote a book at 7! It was a children’s book about a copycat named Ruby who learned that no one likes it when you sit around copying everyone –I remember choosing this as a lesson because my brothers would do this and I hated it! 😂
That was literally 20 years ago! I am 27 now and still writing. Both for work as a content creator, but also as a hobby! (I’m inconsistently working on writing a horror series.)
So I think that it’s safe to say that I have quite a bit of experience with writing and editing.
And if you’re still unsure of my abilities, I did go to college for Journalism, was offered a job in my first year of school, then graduated with a 3.9 GPA, meaning I graduated with honours.
I hope you’re feeling more confident in me and my abilities as I delve into a few tricks that I use when it comes to editing my own copy! 😁
Editing copy for yourself is pretty hard because you know what you’re saying, or at least trying to say. So you usually miss a word, use the wrong word, use too many words, or just confuse your reader and you don’t even notice it!
To help eliminate as many errors as possible, I have created a few steps that I take when I have to write, edit, and post my own copy. (But usually, my super awesome VA, Rylee, takes care of the editing and posting for me!)
Ready to delve in, friend?!
My Super Awesome Editing Tips
Write & Edit Over Two Days
My best recommendation is that you plan out two days for copywriting so you can write all the copy on day one and then you re-read and edit it on the second day.
I highly suggest you do this because if you try to do it all on the same day, you’re less likely to catch your own errors.
I will admit that this was a newer ‘tip’ I had learned. I wrote out all my copy one day but didn’t have time to re-read, edit, and post it the same day. When I came back to it a day or two later and re-read it to edit before posting, I had noticed quite a few errors! Errors I know I would have missed if I read it the same day because I’ve done it before!
This was a revolutionary realization for me!
Write one day, edit the next.
Print Your Copy
You don’t have to do this, but for me, I find I can edit like a gosh dang Queen when it’s printed in front of me.
Having a physical copy of my writing in my hands really gives me clarity on my writing, so if you haven’t tried to print out your work and edit it, then you NEED to give this a go.
I write a monthly newsletter for a client, and when we first started there were usually a handful of errors. I mean, I am only human. But let me tell you, after doing it for several months, I started to print out the first draft and write notes and make edits.
And if there were loads of edits needed I’ll usually print it another time and give it one more read-through. Editing on a printed page truly makes a difference versus reading it on a screen. Don’t believe me? Test it out!
Read Your Work OUT LOUD
Okay, so I know this is the last one, but I feel it’s the most important and helpful –but that really depends on who you are. Everyone is different, so maybe printing it out and editing it is enough for you? But if it’s not –and trust me, it’s more than likely not — then you need to read your work out loud.
Even if you don’t do any of my other recommendations and you just do this, you’re going to see a huge difference in your copy.
When I read out loud I catch more than missed words. I hear what doesn’t sound right so I can make some changes so I come across to my readers more clearly. I also am inspired to go a little deeper in some spots, because when I hear it out loud I immediately ask myself questions I feel my reader might have.
Why do I think that? What should someone do if this happens? How does this apply to me?
Reading your work out loud will give you the clarity you didn’t know you needed.
Of course, when we read our own work it makes sense to us. We think that we are being very clear because we can understand what we are writing, when the reality is that your reader is not where you are. Your reader needs more information, they need you to explain deeper and better.
Reading your work out loud before you posts gives you one last opportunity to ensure you are doing this.
Grammarly is free and is a powerful editing tool. If you don’t want to read your work over (which I don’t recommend) then at the very, very least, use this tool.
It’ll tell you which witch is which. The difference between there, their, and they’re, too, to, and two, and beyond. It will read your sentence and help you to fix it grammatically and spell check it! Trust me, you need Grammarly.
Okay friend, so I hope you’re feeling more confident in your abilities to edit! Heck, it would be extra cool if you were even excited to edit now knowing a few good ways to perfect your copy.
I just want to empower you to share your content and feel confident when you do it.
I know that when I first started I was panicky and stressed out thinking, “What if I messed up?”
Well, as long as it’s just a spelling and grammar error and not an ethical thing, WHO CARES?! Sure, people will notice (some will even point it out) but we all need to laugh it off.
It happens.
I’ve seen HUGE accounts like IG expert Brock Johnson make spelling errors in both his reels and captions! IT. HAPPENS.
Just smile and shake it off.
I promise the anxiety and stress that comes with posting will pass. Just make sure you’re posting with intent and purpose, and that you’re sharing value.
Do your best, friend!
I highly encourage that you sit down now, look at your calendar, and then plan two days for content creation and create content for the next week or two. And now you can edit your copy like a pro! 🤩
I’d love to know if you found this blog post helpful. If you have time, I’d love for you to shoot me an email and tell me how this helped you or do you think I’m missing something? Please reach out!
Until next week, I hope you have a successful, happy, and prosperous time.