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Are you getting lost trying to find your way online, and is it increasingly difficult to maintain a successful online presence for your business? 

Well, you should start with your branding. This will help your perfect customer find you with ease. Targeting your ICA (ideal client avatar) and answering the ultimate questions:

“What makes you unique from the rest?” and “Why should your ICA buy from you?”

Answering these two questions (in detail) will have you on the right track for adequately establishing the foundation of your business and your overall purpose.

In today’s age, social media is becoming increasingly beneficial for marketers and has basically changed the way of marketing forever. Interacting with existing and potential customers largely comes from the use of social media.

Essentially, word spreads fast.

I mean, we have all seen it right? Within minutes people all around the world can be easily connected through social media, making it quick and simple to distribute mass messages to your perfect customer. 

So, the content you are creating and putting out into the world should be valuable (and not too salesy) as it is essential to establish a positive brand image.

If your first impression is on a good note, your business will be more appealing to your specific audience, which is the goal! Knowing your audience, and tailoring your message for them will draw in more customer engagement online. 

So why brand online then?

Well, I think you may already know the answer to this one, but really there are so many benefits to it, like growing your know, like, and trust factors!

So, I strongly encourage you to begin to take part in the world of social media so that your brand can gain a voice of its own.

Social media has great potential to reach mass audiences, and by branding in an effective way, you can create a positive online presence to reach your target audience successfully through social media.

By doing so, your uniquely defined brand will speak to your ICA directly – helping to build a strong and long-lasting relationship with your perfect customer, which makes it easier and quicker for them to find your business too!

The aim of this is to create valuable relevant content that speaks to your audience on a personal level and engages your ICA on social media, in turn, you can measure the results of your community engagement which can help improve your content and see what is intriguing to your specific audience.

You can use many social media tools such as Facebook Creator Studio, which gives in-depth information about your audience and how your posts are performing. This allows you to see which posts are getting the most attention, and which ones aren’t.

And sometimes you have to go through a trial and error phase to produce the right content for the right people, which is totally okay! We will get you there, and online tools will be of major help during this process!

Understanding what is driving your website traffic and what interests your audience will help you to increase your customer’s overall experience in the near future.

Branding on social media is a very smart tactic to use to increase your customer engagement, boost your organic visibility, brand loyalty, and recognition, and ultimately increase the value of your business even more so. 

And if social media is confusing for you now, don’t you worry my friend! With the right tools and services from the Razzle Marketing team, who understands your struggles, social media will soon become very easy for you to begin brand building and reaching the right people with the right message!

Social media you see today is so much more beneficial than the traditional way of media, and not because “out with the old and in with the new” kind of thing, but simply because it can get your brand visible to big audiences more quickly and easily, once you know how to get started of course! And that’s what we are here for, so stay tuned for more social media tips and tricks!


If you’re looking to offload your social media or would like some help managing it then reach out to us! We’d love to help you. EMAIL US NOW

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