Blog Content Creation Social Media Working From Home

Self Care is Part of the Content Creation Process

Est Read Time: 3.5 Minutes

Would you believe me if I told you that taking a day off or two is part of the creation process?

Think about it, when you just work, work, work, work, work, you find yourself in a creative block more often –or all the time.

But when you take a day off or two you come back to work feeling refreshed and you’re able to create content easier. You procrastinate less and the process just flows so much easier.

Then, when you’re nearing the end of the workweek you find yourself burning out and feeling uninspired, you can’t wait for days off! Which is why it’s so important that you actually take those days off.

If you try to force yourself to work and create and produce when your body is telling you that it’s exhausted and needs a break your work quality begins to deteriorate. Wouldn’t you agree with that statement?

Think back to the last time you were crunching to meet a deadline and so you decided to work through the weekend. I’ll bet you went to work on Monday feeling drained and completely disinterested in working versus the next Monday when you come back to work after spending the weekend off enjoying time with your family at the beach, eh?

I like to think of us as rechargeable batteries.

Our daily battery life is 24 hours, but our functioning starts to deplete after 16 straight hours of use. When we sleep our battery recharges, but when we don’t get a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep, we wake up with a battery that has less than 75% battery.

When our battery gets below 10% we start to function on low battery mode. You know how the screen gets dimmer, some apps won’t work, the flash won’t turn on…

Our brains go into this kind of fog and we move and ‘human’, but we aren’t really functioning.

This is why I think it’s so important to schedule at least one day off, but two to three is the best!

Working From Home & Days Off

When you’re working from home though I know that’s easier said than done. Especially if you’re working from home with a family!

Your workweek is constantly interrupted by spouses with pressing questions and children who need you this second. So days off seem like a distant dream because you weren’t able to get your priority work complete and deadlines are looming!

But I’m telling you if you don’t take those days off your body will eventually force you. Which in some cases can look like a serious illness or disease.

I know for myself it’s usually my wrists that force me into days off.

As you can tell, I do a lot of typing and mouse clicking. Those two repetitive actions cause my carpal tunnel to flare up really bad if I spend too many hours working too many days in a row. Just recently my wrists forced me to take two days off and I had deadlines during the time!

To say I was stressed out is a bit of an understatement…

All I could think about was the work not getting done that needed to be done. Finally, I was able to start working again but I could only work for about an hour at a time and then I needed several hours in between to give my wrists a break.

So if you’re not able to take a whole day or two off, then take a few hours off every day. Set boundaries for times you will work and your cutoff time and stick to it.

Don’t be all willy nilly with your boundaries., you need to take care of yourself.

In Conclusion

Alrighty, so I’m keeping this short and sweet because I’m actually writing this during the week that my carpal tunnel is bad. So I’m going to lead by example and end it by saying, “Taking care of yourself is not selfish.”

It’s actually quite a selfless act to take care of yourself!

Think about it, when you’re feeling energized and refreshed you’re able to show up for the people in your life brighter and interact more positively than when you’re tired and irritable. So if you’re tired and irritable more than you’re brighter and energized I’d suggest taking a nap!

If you have to, schedule in time off. I do it! I’ve even scheduled a walk or going outside at the end of all my workdays to help me unwind at the end of the day.

Well, I hope you have a great week! May it bring you tons of success, prosperity, but most importantly, happiness!


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