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Hard Selling vs. Soft Selling -What Are They and How Do YOU Apply Them?

Hard selling versus soft selling.
What is it? How do I use them?
We answer these two questions and more in our latest blog post! This one is going to help give you clarity and confidence when it comes to selling on social media.
By the end you’ll have a clear understanding of what each are and what they look like. And then hopefully, you’ll be feeling inspired and excited to do some selling!
Read on to learn more about a Hard Sell vs. Soft Sell.

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Services Small Business Help Social Media

Marketing Basics: Defining Your Audience

When you post social media content are you trying to speak to everyone?
Have you heard the advice to widdle your ideal audience member down to one person?
If you have but have not done it is it because you are afraid to narrow your audience down to one person?
I’ll bet you think if you define your audience as one person –that one perfect audience member– you’ll end up limiting yourself 😶
And besides, you know that you could serve anyone who came your way!
And I don’t doubt that, but what if I told you that getting your audience down to ‘one person’ will save you time, money, energy, and stress??
Would you be more interested in doing it?
What if I also told you that you actually make yourself more marketable when you are talking to one person??
Would that interest you even more? 🤩
Then I suggest you check out this post! I’m going to tell you why it’s so dang important to know who your one perfect audience member is (or ideal client/customer) for your marketing!
And I’ll ask you a few questions to help you start defining who your ‘one perfect’ audience is. So read on friend 😁

Blog Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

Why Brand on Social Media?

Have you ever wondered if social media is really worth your time?
We all know that when you are starting out it can be frustrating and time-consuming to navigate it all. So is it worth it in the long run, is it something you should invest in?
Well, I am here to tell you that it very much is. Social media may take you a few tries to get on the right track but that’s what I am here for, to tell you the inside tips and tricks to make it easier for you.
But for now, we are focused on why you NEED to be on it because let’s face it… Who isn’t marketing on social media nowadays?
(Don’t be one of the people missing out on leveraging this powerful tool!)

Blog Content Creation Getting Started Social Media

The Beginners Guide to Getting Started on Social Media: Introduction to Instagram

Are you on the search for a social media platform that will work for you, and help found your potential clients? But you have no idea where to start?
Well, I am here to help ease your worries by giving you the confidence in deciding what platform is best for you.
By the end of this article, you will have a new understanding of what Instagram is all about and how it can help you reach your online goals.

Blog Content Creation Small Business Help Social Media

What is an ICA?

Do you keep hearing marketers talk about having an ICA?
Do you continue to wonder what it is? Are you confused about how it differs from your audience?
Or maybe you understand what it is but you don’t get why it’s so important?
Well, I have the answer to all of these questions if you’ll just read on 😄
I tell you what an ICA is –clearly!
I tell you why it’s so dang important to know for your marketing –clearly!
What I’m trying to say is that by the time you finish reading this blog post you’re going to have a clear understanding of what an ICA is and why it’s important. So please, read on!

Blog Content Creation Small Business Help Social Media Working From Home

Content Planning Part 3

This is the final part of our three-part content planning series friend! And we have finally made it to the juiciest part (I think!).
Here I am going to go into the details of executing the content creation part 🤗
AND what’s more, I share another downloadable for you!! That’s right! In Part 2 I shared my content calendar where I plan out my month’s worth of content and now I am sharing the Google Doc template I use to write out my content on.
I go through my process out from writing content to scheduling it! As well, I share a toooon of great resources with you —including an Instagram expert I highly recommend you follow for inspiration.
So hurry on up and dive in friend! Let’s get to creating 😁

Blog Content Creation Social Media

Content Planning Part 1

Are you stuck when it comes to content creation?
Do you find it stressful having to sit down and try to create content for the upcoming week or two?
Does inspiration not strike often enough for you to be consistent?
Well, stress no more friend! I’m going to walk you through my process in this three-part series!
The whole goal with this series is to make you feel confident in content creation and not feel overwhelmed when you sit down to do it.
Starting with brainstorming, then planning, and finally, the actual content creation, I am going to give you a step-by-step guide for creating content (COMPLETE WITH DOWNLOADABLE WORKSHEETS) 🤩
Do your content creation with ease going forward and feel in control of your online presence.

Content Creation Small Business Help Social Media Working From Home

My Process for Self Editing

If you are working alone or with a very small team and find that you need to do a lot of solo editing for content then have I got the tips you need!
Both my VA and I do a lot of self-editing, which meant we needed to have a process set up to guarantee as few errors as possible. Now, we’re only human and mistakes happen! We do our best to give ourselves grace when we do this.
Since we’ve been talking about editing so much, we felt it would be highly beneficial for you if we shared what we do.
Please read on and I’ll walk you through our editing process!

Content Creation Small Business Help Social Media

3 Tips to Edit Your Copy Faster and Easier by Yourself

I have got three excellent tips to help you edit your own copy. Trust me, as a writer and content creator, I have had to create processes that allow me to create copy with little to no errors.
I love writing and have been writing for 20 years as both a hobby and for work.
So I know the struggles that come with trying to create all by yourself 😅
Editing is really hard, especially when you’re editing your own work. It’s not until it’s scheduled and posted that you notice all your spelling and grammar errors that have you questioning your abilities and confidence to do the work. Well stress no more, friend! I have three tips to help guide you into confidence with your copy.
Read on to learn what I do to help ensure quality copy. 🤓