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Blog Content Creation Facebook Ads Getting Started Small Business Help Social Media

Hard Selling vs. Soft Selling -What Are They and How Do YOU Apply Them?

Hard selling versus soft selling.
What is it? How do I use them?
We answer these two questions and more in our latest blog post! This one is going to help give you clarity and confidence when it comes to selling on social media.
By the end you’ll have a clear understanding of what each are and what they look like. And then hopefully, you’ll be feeling inspired and excited to do some selling!
Read on to learn more about a Hard Sell vs. Soft Sell.

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Blog Facebook Ads Small Business Help

Are Facebook Ads for Small Businesses?

So you’re a small business owner and you’ve been mulling over if Facebook Ads would be a good fit for you or not, and I am here to tell you…


Yes, yes, yes, 1,000 times YES!

Honestly, there aren’t any businesses that I can think of off the top of my head that wouldn’t benefit from Facebook Ads.

But before you start objecting, saying things like, “I can’t afford Facebook Ads.” Or, “I’ve tried boosting and that didn’t work, so clearly ads are not for me.” (Side note, boosting is NOT the same as Facebook Ads, but we’ll go into that next week!)

But Facebook Ads are for your business!

Blog Facebook Ads

5 Ways Facebook Ads Will Benefit Your Small Business

As a fellow small business owner, I understand the struggle of knowing how, where, and when to invest money into my business.

The budget is tight and it’s scary to allocate a large sum of funds into any sort of investment, whether it’s education, skills, self-development, marketing, etc. But something I remind myself of often is, “If I’m too scared to invest in myself, why should anyone else?”