Est Read Time: 3.5 Minutes

Okay, real talk. We are day two into the New Year and I’m wondering if you’ve already thought about taking time off of work?

Yes, but you don’t have time to take time off?

Nah, you think I’m totally nuts to already be thinking about time off??? 😂

Well whatever it is, we need to fix this right quick before we get too carried with 2022!

You need to take care of yourself if you want to put your best foot forward in your business. And how do you do that? By taking time off!

Trust me, friend, I am super guilty of not taking time off to rest and recover and you know where that got me? BURNT OUT.

It affected me emotionally and physically –and not just that, but my relationship with my boyfriend was being neglected. And I definitely did not spend enough precious time with my daughter who only just turned two.

When you don’t take the time off from work you miss out on spending time on the things that truly matter to you and give you fulfillment outside of work –like spending all the time possible with your newborn baby who will never again be that tiny and innocent. 😥

I am telling you that it is more than okay to take days off. It is essential for running a successful business. When you take care of yourself it is abundantly easier to take care of everything else around you, from your business to your family to everything else in between.

And I know this because I have been doing it myself!

There are days when my mental health is just not there and I need to take a day or two to recover and I have learned to give myself that grace. On top of that, I have set much better boundaries for work.

Unless it’s for a big project and it is crunch time, I do not work past 5 pm anymore. I also schedule two days off a week and I do not work at all on those days.

I am being so honest with you when I tell you that making those two shifts has made a huge difference in my life!

Now when I go to sit down to work I feel more refreshed and ready to put my head down and I am more energized when I wake up too! My relationship with my boyfriend is healing much better now that I am no longer work, work, work, work, and more work. We now have the time to sit down, breathe, and RELAX –together.

I also feel like I get to spend more time with my fast-growing tot, which means so much to me!

Ever since COVID, people are starting to realize that the whole hustle mentality where it’s all work and no play or we must be busy constantly to be successful is wrong. (Myself included!)

Employees no longer want to work for businesses that don’t care about them and their well-being –and who can blame them? We literally give them our lives for MINIMUM WAGE or just barely over!


So if you wouldn’t work for someone who wouldn’t take care of you, why would you work for yourself and not take care of yourself?!

Be the boss you always wanted. Give yourself grace and allow yourself the time and space to relax and recover.

Take those days off.

Schedule them in every single week and 👏do 👏not 👏work 👏on 👏days 👏off!



Now you go take on 2022 with so much ferocity that you come out abundant, successful, and happy as heck.

HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIEND! Take care of yourself ❤️

Until next week,


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  1. Great content! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to say so Gary! It is greatly appreciated to hear positive feedback 😊
      Please email me if you’d like me to talk about anything specific!!

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