How Do You View Social Media Marketing?

Est Read Time: 4 Minutes

I get it, it’s easy to overlook social media as a means of marketing. You think, “Why would I pay for someone to post on my social media when I can do it myself?”

I used to think the same thing until I had to do it for myself.

Back when I was living in Vancouver, I had decided to be vulnerable with my writing and create a blog. It was one of my many entrepreneurial ventures!

I love writing, and I had really enjoyed being able to connect with people emotionally through my writing.

While creating my blog, I did a lot of research into how often I should write, how I should write, what kinds of things others were doing and I applied very little of what I was learning. 😅


It was a pretty good blog, but I did a pretty bad job of marketing it and didn’t take time to plan out my content ahead of time.

(I wish Canva existed when I was blogging! 😭)

Honestly, I wish knew then what I know now when it comes to leveraging social media to not just market your business, but also build and foster an amazing community.

Anyways, without any plan for my blog and little understanding of how to utilize social media, it ended up dying off before I could refine it and really make it into something.

So I ask you, how do you view your social media?

Is it something you put on the back burner?

Do you use it to promote, promote, promote?

Do you reply to your community? How about it in a timely manner?

Do you share content that your community values?

Or did you create your pages and haven’t touched them since?

What if I told you that putting money into your organic growth, aka, social media marketing, is an investment?

It’s an investment in your business and it’s an investment in your community.

If you properly leverage your social media marketing, you’ll build and foster relationships with your community. Which in turn, builds trust and establishes you as an expert in your field.

Whatsmore, it gives your customer another touchpoint. A touchpoint is where your customers can find you, like social media, email, podcast, blog, video, and more!

The more touchpoints you have, the more likely you’ll convert clients. (Which is actually a newer hurdle as of this past year. I am guessing this is because of the pandemic and everyone’s lack of social interaction, so they crave connection more.)

So by having a proper presence on social media, you make yourself more relatable. If your audience relates to you, they are more likely to buy and buy more from you.

You do that by creating content that is not just valuable, but also shares who you and your brand are and what you value allows your audience to relate to you. And being relatable immediately builds trust!

Think about when you meet someone for the first time and you find out that you both love the same television show. You immediately start spouting off things you love and hate about the show, right??

And immediately, this wall comes down (even if it’s just a little!) This gives you an opening to pursue a longer conversation and get to know them better or it makes you realize that maaaybe this person isn’t on the same page as you and you back away slowly.

This is what I’m talking about doing through social media.

If you are sharing content and someone is scrolling and goes, “OH MY GOSH!! I think that exact thing too!!” One, they’re going to make sure they’re following you and two, they’re going to see what else you say and do.

Tell me I’m wrong! 😆

(Literally, I do this!)

So now, I’ll ask you again.

How do you view your social media?

Are you seeing it more like an investment for building relationships with potential customers/clients?

Do you see a little more clearly how it can potentially help you and your business?

Does it excite you to bring your community online and connect with more people, building trust and establishing yourself and the business to go to?

Tell me all about it. For real! Just click the button that says, “LEMME TELL YOU”

And share your thoughts on using social media marketing for your small business.

I’m waiting to hear from you! 😊

Until next week, I hope you nothing but success and prosperity.
