What Size is Your Online Footprint?

Est Read Time: 6 Minutes

Where does your small business appear online?

Do you take up space on more than one channel?

I am asking because you need to not only be online but showing up in more than one place. By that, I am referring to you having a website and being on at least one more platform.

Is that intimidating? Oh, heck yes. But is it worth the time, effort, and money invested in it? HECK YES.

But why do I say that you need to be showing up in more than one place? Because consumer’s habits have changed and adapted as we moved more online. Consumers want to trust brands and businesses before they commit to spending their money with them.

And the best way to build your reputation, build trust, and be seen as legitimate, is by adapting and getting online –in more than one way!

I bought a book, ‘The Compound Effect’ by Darren Hardy a couple of years ago, now.

I loved it! So much so that I joined his email list and online community.

I continued to consume his content, daily for a few months when he started to promote a course he offered. The course struck a chord with me, but I was a little nervous about the financial commitment. But I thought about the content I had already consumed by him and I knew that it was all stuff that resonated with me, so I thought, “Let’s do it! Let’s take this chance.” (You may be happy to hear that I don’t regret that decision to this day, in fact, I paid for another course by him!)

So you see, Darren had several different platforms, or touchstones if you will, that worked in his favour. If I had not read his book or consumed his daily content, I probably would not have paid for his course.

And the higher cost of your products or services are, the harder it is to make a sale. This is why you need to be building trust. Now.

With the way things are going during this pandemic, you really need to concentrate and invest more time and money into your online presence. But don’t overwhelm yourself. Start with one channel at a time.

Where to Start

If you don’t have anything online for your business, the first place to start is Google Business. Especially if you are a brick-and-mortar business.

All you need to do is go to business.google.com. From there, it will prompt you to set up your Google Business account/page.

Once you have your Google Business page set up, you will want to get a website up. Buy a domain and set up one page. Do not overwhelm yourself with trying to create an entire website by yourself, especially if you don’t know how to.

[If you’d like, you can just hand this task off to us! We do One-Page Websites for Small Business owners on a tight budget. Email Me to learn more.]

When you have both your Google Business page set up and your one-page website done, pick one of these channels next:


This is what we highly recommend you focus your efforts on. 1) Because you own your email list, you do not own your social media page. 2) Social media can cut you out whenever for whatever reason. It happened to one of my clients! A year into building up their Instagram, then suddenly their account was deleted. No reason, no way of fighting it. Just gone.
(We use MailChimp currently, and it’s FREE to start. Learn more about it on their website.)

Social Media:

Before choosing a social media platform, make sure you know your audience! Facebook tends to draw in an older crowd, while you’ll find more Millennials on Instagram and Snapchat. But if you are trying to target Gen Z, you’re going to want to look at Tik Tok. Oh! Did you know that LinkedIn is turning into more of a social platform for businesses? If you sell B2B, then I highly suggest looking at LinkedIn!


If you are comfortable with being on camera and have some basic filming and editing skills, then you should consider Youtube. Because I’ll be honest with you, video content is KING right now. People love to consume short video content for entertaining, informative, or educational purposes. Hit up the search on Youtube and see what other people in your niche are doing to help inspire you.


Who isn’t listening to some sort of podcast these days?! It’s the perfect content to consume while on drives, walks, working out, cooking, or cleaning! And you could create one that links back into your small business. Don’t believe me? Search up podcasts for your niche and tell me you can’t find any. I guarantee you will find loads of content relating back to what you do. That being said, don’t be intimidated! Because there are literally BILLIONS of people on this Earth and you are sure to reach enough that you will see the value in it.

Remember, no matter how you choose to be online, no one can do it like you! So as long as you stay consistent across all the channels in showing who you and your business are, what you do, and who you serve, you will come out on top every time.

Sure, it may take you time to see results from marketing in any form, but I need you to trust me on this when I say, you will see results. (If you do it consistently right.)

Create those relationships with your target customers, foster them, and build up that trust. In the end, it’s going to be worth it!

Make a Commitment

Alright, so I want you to make a commitment to yourself right now. Commit to getting your small business online.

Take it one step at a time.

Write down what your first step is. Are you on any of the above channels? If you don’t have a Google Business page and website then start there.

Once those are set up, move on to the next step.

Then make sure you go back to everything you’ve done and keep it all up to date and consistent. Provide value and be authentic.

If you feel completely lost and overwhelmed, then please, reach out to me! I’d love to talk about how I can help you. I work with small businesses to do everything I mentioned up above and more!

If you’d like any guidance or if you’re interested in learning more about our services and how we can help you, then click the button right below and shoot me an email.

(Heck, just shoot me an email to introduce yourself and your business if you’re looking for a business buddy! I love making new friends!)

I wish you nothing but success and prosperity with your small business, friend.
