The Most Important Asset to Your Marketing and Business

Est Read Time: 6.5 Minutes

Your business is based on serving. But in order to be able to serve you have to put time and effort into growing three assets.

Assets that are crucial to your business and your marketing. In fact, the entire goal of marketing is to nurture these three assets!

The only way to have a successful business is to have these three assets well established.

What I am talking about is your know, like, and trust factors!

Think about it, when you start out no one knows you. You spend a lot of time struggling to get clients. You put a lot of time and energy into convincing them to work with you, which comes easier when you’re likeable.

And the only way to seal the deal with anyone is having trust. When you’re just starting out people will have a hard time trusting you, which is why you need to be patient and commit to being in it for the long haul so you can build up a reputation.

You need to put time and effort into growing trust between you and your audience and potential clients.

After you’ve been in business a few years you’ll recognize that you struggle so much less!

And that’s because you’ve nurtured your know, like, and trust factors.

Think about when you first started to where you are now. Really, I want you to really think about when you were starting out.

How did you feel? What did you struggle with the most? What were some of your values and beliefs?

I’ll bet a lot of how you felt, what you struggled with, and what you value and believe has either changed slightly or dramatically depending on how long you have been in business.

Would you agree with that?

And I’ll bet you’ve also found that you don’t have to work so hard anymore to make sales, especially when you are promoting your services to your warm audience.

[Your warm audience is the audience you talk to consistently and have a relationship with. This is your social media followers, email subscribers, blog readers, podcast listeners –you get it, I’m sure. It’s the audience who follows your content.]

Your warm audience is who you have built up your know, like, and trust factors with!

I’m sure this is starting to make sense; what your know, like, and trust factors are and why they’re important to your brand.

The whole foundation of your business is built and grown by how much people know, like, and trust you. If you’re well-known for being untrustworthy then you’ll find yourself struggling all the time. If you’re well-known for being good at what you do but you’re unlikeable, you’ll also struggle to bring in new clients and retain existing ones.

You need to make sure that people know you for how amazing you are! That’s why I am trying to be more encouraging to shift into a giving mindset. How much better is to be known as the brand who gave so much to the people they served that it was all anyone talked about when they spoke about your brand?

[If that’s all people said about Razzle I would feel like the most successful marketing business 🤩]

Well, I feel confident you understand how they are an asset to your business, so let’s move into talking about how they apply to your marketing!

Why Your Know, Like, and Trust Factors Matter to Your Marketing

Especially now as iOS and privacy policies continue to change and tighten their belts to protect users’ data, we need to rely more heavily on our know, like, and trust factors (basically ‘old fashioned’ marketing)!

We are moving back to good ol’ fashioned ‘Brand Awareness’ marketing –think ‘billboards’.

Because users’ privacy has been beefed up, we now need to focus more on getting our brands out there. Which means showing up online consistently in multiple places.

I don’t necessarily mean making accounts on multiple social media platforms, I’m also talking about ads, an email list, a podcast, a blog, or guest appearances on other people’s channels.

There are so many ways you can be showing up to grow your brand awareness. You just need to make sure that no matter where you are, you’re doing it consistently. I mean that beyond just how many days a week or month you show up on those platforms, I’m also talking about how you show up on those platforms.

People won’t trust you if you are showing up differently on every platform. Of course, your audiences on each platform could be different so your messaging will need to be aligned with each audience, but that’s not really what I’m talking about.

For instance, a brand runs a blog where they show up more polished and professional but they also have a Twitter account for their brand where they show up racey, inappropriate, and at times, hateful. I guarantee the trust a blog reader has for the brand will waiver when they come across the brand’s Twitter account –instantly.

They would become uncertain about the brand’s values and if they actually want to put their hard-earned money towards a brand they no longer have trust for –especially when they thought they knew that brand!

I know that I have felt extra jaded and heartbroken when I found out a brand or a person that I trusted and I thought I knew, did something totally out of alignment and made me question if I knew them and trusted them, which in the end made me question if I even liked them anymore.

That’s why the wrong Tweet, a bad moment on a Live, or a questionable story that is posted can ruin an entire brand!

It pays to take the time to really clarify your brand. I recommend putting it into writing so that you and everyone representing your brand will do it right.

There are a ton of advantages to clarifying your brand. In fact, I have 5 reasons why you want to define your brand! Check them out in my BLOG POST!

Now let’s think about the goals of marketing…

All the goals in marketing go back having your audience know, like, and trust you more!

The whole point of marketing is to grow and nurture the three most important factors to having a successful business. And you can guarantee as we enter some harder years it’s going to be more important than ever that people know, like, and trust you.

While more people tighten their belts on their spending, it is becoming more important than ever to them that they know, like, and trust the brands they are investing their money in.

Budgets continue to get smaller and smaller making us prove harder than ever that we are the brands worth investing in.

Action Items

Okay! Now it’s time to put this knowledge into action.

I want you to schedule in time this week to write out who your brand is. How do you want your brand to be known? What do you want to be known for? What vibe do you want to convey?

Get as clear you possibly can and apply it to your marketing or share it with your marketing team if you have one.

You need to make sure that everywhere your brand shows up, that is is showing up the same. It’s going to be crucial to growing your know, like, and trust factors.

Look at your calendar now and schedule in at least an hour to sit down and brainstorm your brand. Define your brand.

Need a little help with defining your brand? Get started by reading my blog post: Two Questions to Help Define Your Brand. (There’s a printable!)

I hope this has given you some clarity and even inspiration when it comes to growing your know, like, and trust factors and why they are so important to your business and marketing.

If you still have any questions please send me an email! I want to make sure I’m giving you the clarity you need so you can dazzle your audience.

Until next week, I wish you success, prosperity, and happiness.


If you want help with your brand’s social media I’d love to help you! Razzle Marketing is still accepting Clients for Social Media Management and 1:1 Coaching. Learn more about our services by CLICKING HERE.