Est Read Time: 5 Minutes
When people talk about your brand what do you want them to say?
If you don’t know the answer to that you’ll really want to sit down and get clear on your brand. Heck, even if you feel like you know your brand really well it doesn’t hurt to take a look at it again. As time moves forward and you learn and grow personally and professionally you’ll find your values and vision change.
That’s why we are going to sit down and take a little bit of time to get clear on those two things! And bonus!! I’m including a free printable where you can write out your values and vision in one place AND questions to help you create your mission statement 🥳
Full Disclosure: This is done like a regular mission statement. The idea of this mission statement is to get you focused on who you serve and how you serve them –this is your mission, but we’re going to do it a little more creatively!
I think being clear on your brand is foundational to your marketing! (That and knowing your audience –which I’ll be talking about in next week’s blog post)
In order to grow your community people need to know what they are subscribing to. Being clear on your values is the perfect way to start a relationship! One of the best ways to connect with another person is by having shared values, views, hobbies, interests, and such.
When you’ve put the time and effort into getting clear on your brand will save you time and money trying to grow your brand because your audience doesn’t have to guess who you are and try to draw their own conclusions (which as you can imagine can be a dangerous thing for your brand 😵)
Don’t leave people to come to their own conclusions of who you and your brand are. Of course, you won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s okay! You only want to be attracting the right people. Which is done a lot easier when you are creating content for your audience aligned with your brand.
So let’s dive into two core questions you should answer to get clearer on your brand:
What values and beliefs lie at the core of your brand?
A way to figure out your values and beliefs is to look at your ‘why’. Why do you serve your clients?
What drives you?
What is something you will never fold on?
Did you enter your profession to give you financial freedom? So you’re willing to put in a little bit of extra work and go the extra mile for clients.
Do you value family time and have boundaries around your work schedule? So you inform your clients that you cannot be reached between 7 pm and 7 am because that’s your guaranteed family time.
Is your health important to you because you know you do your best work when you’re feeling your best? So you always start your day with a workout and healthy breakfast.
Or maybe you highly value speed? So you strive to have the fastest turnaround time in the whole office until you can guarantee it for every one of your clients.
You need to define what will be a driving force in your business decisions which in turn will drive your marketing decisions!
Okay, so I want you to get a little crazy here and dream big! I want you to think about what you see for you and your brand in one year.
Dive deep.
Now you’re going to dream big for you and your brand in three years! Go on, get a little ‘unrealistic’.
Talk about your purpose! What are your ambitions? What do you want to be known for?
Go into detail about the people you will serve, how you will serve them, and your reputation.
But I want you to know that over time as you change your vision will also change. Heck, your values will probably even change.
You need to be prepared to adapt and change as not just you change, but the world changes. Anyone who has been resistant to getting online is feeling the hardship of that decision –whether they know it or not. Because we both know that you do not exist if you’re not online to a huge portion of consumers. And let’s be real, we want to make life as easier as possible for ourselves, right?
But the purpose of being clear on your brand values and vision is so you can create content that is built around them. Of course, the content is for your audience, but it’s to help connect you to your audience.
If you are putting out content that is out of line with your values or vision you won’t be able to build a genuine connection with your community, and the whole goal of being on social media is to build your community and foster connections with them.
Action Items:
Okay, so now that you understand why you want to have defined brand values and vision, let’s get you to write it out. –I do think you should schedule time every 6 to 12 months to review these though!
Download my Printable so you can put your brand values and vision in one place AND I have included three questions to help you write your mission statement! Your mission statement clearly communicates your purpose. [DOWNLOAD HERE]
I’d recommend keeping this close to you! Heck, you should print your mission statement! If you are Canva-savvy you could turn it into a cute quote graphic and print it to keep somewhere near your workspace.
Remember that you want to have this defined to help you create content that is authentic to you and your brand. It will keep you from producing content not aligned with your brand so you don’t attract the wrong audience.
So download the worksheet now by CLICKING HERE and do the work!
Then come back next week so that we can talk about your audience and get clear on who you’re creating content for.
Until then, I wish you nothing but success, prosperity, and of course, happiness 😄
Did you know that Jordan does social media coaching for realtors and small business owners?! Just email here and tell her how she can help you 😊 EMAIL NOW
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