5 Ways You Can Support Small Businesses During COVID

Est. Read Time: 4.5 Minutes

I think we can all agree that small businesses are currently struggling and need our help.

Government restrictions are keeping small business owners down.

Most small businesses can only afford to employ a handful of people, and with new restrictions and regulations, they cannot keep up with the demand and they simply cannot afford to employ the amount of staff needed to ‘keep people safe’ to keep their doors open.

Forcing them to close their doors or really limit their services. All of which leads to fewer and fewer small businesses.

And if every small business was forced to close OR is forced into loans to the government, we can say goodbye to private businesses.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, “What’s the big deal?”

Well, here are just a couple of quick points as to why this is a big deal.

If all small businesses were closed, the only places we could shop at are big box stores like Wal-Mart. And companies like Wal-Mart don’t care about you and they don’t care about me. All they care about is getting as much of your money as they can with the cheapest products made.

Meanwhile, small business owners open up shop because they know they can do it better.

And in most cases, they do! Small business owners go above and beyond, not just for their customers, but also for their employees.

During this entire pandemic, did you hear about Wal-Mart paying their employees more? These essential workers who chanced COVID even in the beginning when we were learning what the heck it was. No they did not.

These big box stores don’t care about their workers or anyone else for that matter. In a time when everything is shut down and they were the only people making money and they couldn’t manage to at least increase their employee’s wages!

And we are still choosing to support them instead of small business owners?

Well, it’s high time we said no to them, no to our governments, and OPENED ALL SMALL BUSINESSES.

And if you don’t like it… STAY HOME. Literally, your life will remain unaffected and you can continue to shop at ‘safe’ ol’ Wal-Mart while the rest of us move on with our lives and start to support each other.

Because that is the only way we are coming out of this.


Here are some ways you can support small businesses during this time of crisis:

#1 Don’t report small businesses for conducting business: Businesses are struggling to survive and you want to kick them while they’re down? If a business owner and their employees are comfortable with serving people who aren’t wearing masks that is completely none of your business. Just leave. Turn around and exit the store. Don’t call to report them, don’t get a mob together to cancel them. Just leave. If you feel that inclined, call them and ask to speak with the owner and express your concerns. But remain kind.

#2 Shop local and shop small: Of course clothes are less expensive at Wal-Mart, but Wal-Mart is KILLING IT right now. They have not had to shut down once during this pandemic. When you buy from a small business, you are supporting your community. You are supporting that owner and their family, as well as the people they employ. And I guarantee that the service you will receive from a small business is going to be far more outstanding than going into a big box store because owners and their employees are going even further than the extra mile now.

#3 Follow, comment, react, and share their posts: The best way to support a small business free of cost is to follow them on social media and then ENGAGE, ENGAGE, ENGAGE! If you engage with their social posts, it will push their content up so more people are seeing their content. You already do it with memes, funny stories, and the like. So why not help support small businesses in your area? Heck, if you have enough influence, you should encourage your friends and family to shop there too!

#4 Use their online shopping option: Small businesses are doing their best to be able to accommodate even the most afraid customers by making shopping available online and/or curbside pick-up. Even if you don’t see that they have online options, you could always just call them and ask about what you are looking for. Because like I said before, small business owners will go above and beyond for you (if you’re nice).

#5 Be kind: It’s sad that we have to reiterate this so much. But customer service workers are not your punching bag. They are not employed so you can decompress and unload all of your stresses on them. As well, they are not the ones making the rules. If you’re mad about the rules you need to start calling your local government and expressing that, the person taking your money for your groceries isn’t going to be able to do anything about it. What I have found above all else in this pandemic, is how much we need kindness. So be the example for yourself, your children, your friends, and your family.

You can agree or disagree with me, but at the end of the day, the fact of small businesses struggling to survive still remains true.

It’s our friends, our family, our neighbours, our community that own small businesses. This is the time to support local and support small.

So let’s come together, put our opinions and differences aside and recognize that we are all human beings who deserve love, respect, and kindness. If you can’t be that person, then stay home.