5 Reasons You NEED An Email List (Yesterday!)

Est. Read Time: 8.5 Minutes

The first thing you might be thinking is, “Do I need an email list?”

In short, the answer is– YES.

Whether you’re a realtor or small business owner, either will highly benefit from creating an email list and then showing up to provide value to your subscribers weekly!

How can you keep up weekly you may ask? By batching emails of course!

Now don’t worry when you’re getting started, it takes time to find your footing and get established. In fact, your first few emails are probably not going to be very good.

I’m a copywriter and love talking, however, when I first got started I sucked. But I didn’t dwell, I plugged on. And that is going to be the most important thing to note when you’re getting started with email marketing.

You need to go into it with a learners mindset and be prepared to suck at first! You’re going to need to get to know your audience to be truly successful with any sort of markeitng. And if you’re just getting started you need to expect that will take time.

Even if you have tons of money to invest in advertising, you’ll still need to listen, learn, and tweak until you get it right.

Email marketing, social media marketing, advertising –all forms of marketing take failing and learning until you hit the mark. All the time.

Marketing is not a one and done deal, which is why it’s important to be showing up in the right places, talking to the right people, the right way.

Marketing is all about connecting. Email marketing is a more personal way to connect with your audience than social media is –unless you are doing a lot of Story Posting/Engaging and Direct Messaging!

Now, before I move into my five reasons why you need to start an email list ASAP, I want to give you my #1 Tip to help you get started:

My #1 Tip to Be Successful Before You Get Started With Email

“You need to start giving without expecting anything in return.”

When you move your mindset into serving and really hone in on who your ideal audience is and how you can serve them, the selling just happens! By providing value, value, value, you set yourself up as an expert and build trust.

When you have complete trust from your audience, any time you mention a new product or service, you’ll always have people jumping on board! I have both gained clients that way but also how I bought things.

I didn’t even have to hear the whole pitch before I was pressing ‘BUY’.

Now brace yourself, I am going to try to blow your mind and get you onboard with creating an email list by giving you 5 reasons why you NEED an email list!
(And if you don’t want to do it or can’t do it we’d be happy to help you. Learn more by contacting Jordan directly! CLICK HERE)


I honestly cannot express just how important this is! It is literally the number one reason. I’ll explain why:

Unlike social media accounts, your email list can never be taken away from you. In an instant, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Youtube, etc, can delete your account. Without any sort of notice!

It definitely does happen too –for no reason.

It happened to me –well, it happened to one of my clients. We had been building up their profile for a full year. We had finally got them established and their page was just gaining traction when BAM!


There was no notice, no warnings –just gone.

But we live and we learn. So we changed the game plan and created a newsletter that we send out via an email list!

Adding an email list has been so helpful for them too. Not only do we get more traffic visiting the website to check out the new newsletter, but we also get plenty of replies and visits from people who are part of the email list. 

We learn more about them while building a better relationship, which moves me into my second point.


When you nurture your email list and give them tons of value, consistently, you quickly build relationships with your audience.

This in turn builds trust faster! And maybe you’ll recall me saying from previous posts, TRUST IS YOUR #1 ASSET FOR BUSINESS IN 2023.

As a team, Madi and I are constantly looking at how we can simplify what we are doing and provide better value, more.

Not only that, but we’re always tapping into our audience to try and give us their thoughts and feedback on how we can do it better! You have to remember that relationships go two ways, so don’t forget to reply to your audience –at least while you’re getting started and have the capacity to.
(When you no longer have the capacity to reply to all the emails, be sure to outsource someone to help you. A virtual assistant (VA) would be a great hire for this!)

It’s important to Madi and I that we are delivering top notch services, always. And when we don’t we look at how we could have done better and strive to never repeat our mistakes.


Did you know that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect a $36 return on investment?

Want to know why the return is so high?

Because, unlike social media, you’re able to connect and engage with your audience on a deeper level. Plus, you aren’t censored! And there is no algorithm to ‘beat’, you just need to gain their attention with a catchy subject line and then keep their attention with effective copy and creatives.

And you know it’s going to be a deeper connection because they chose to give you their contact information. Something you have offered or said along the way resonated with them and which gained enough of their trust to give you their contact information.

As long as you consistently nurture your email list and pump out value, you can definitely be sure you’ll see a return on your investment because your email list is more likely to trust you than your social media audience.


You know what 4 BILLION email users means??? A LOT of potential people who could be on your email list!

Out of 4 billion people, there are going to be hundreds, if not thousands of people who would want to be connected to you and buy from you and/or learn from you.

What’s crazier is experts expect that number to grow all the way up to 4.48 billion by 2024! (So I guess we’ll see how true that is next year!)

So as you can imagine, having an email list is imperative to your business. And although you may try to argue and continue to push, “email is dead”, it’s not. It’s one of the most reliable platforms out there for connecting and sharing! –At least I think so and so do many other experts.

There are loads of people out there who will want to be a part of your community,, you just need to let them know you’re there!


Razzle Marketing is all about community! (It’s literally one of our business and marketing pillars!) 

Of course the ultimate goal is to be able to generate revenue leveraging your email list, (which is considered a warm audience –people who have connected with your brand in some way) but one of the best aspects of growing an email list is growing a community that believes in you and supports you.

They resonate with your values, mission, and overall brand.

I mean, what could be better than to be constantly engaging with like-minded people who are still unique from you and can only add more value to your life?!

Having an email list is a total win-win for you.

So Go on and Get It! 🤠

It will never hurt your business to add the kind of connection that having an email list will give you. However, you’ll never see the kind of growth you would without having an email list. (So really, you’re only hurting yourself by not having it!)

I promise you that having an email list will only help you round out your business and bring in more potential clients. But what should really appeal to you is the relationship-building potential having an email list has!

Take the time now and start your email list!

For Razzle, I use ConvertKit, but MailChimp is also a great choice. And both have free to inexpensive plans to choose from!
(They both also have some amazing tutorial videos to help get you started!)

But hey, if you can afford it, I’d recommend hiring someone to run your email marketing for you! That would be the best option to save you the stress, time, and burden of having to do it.

They can help you create a strategy, set your sign-ups on your website and social platforms, and even write your email copy if you want it taken off your plate completely.

(If you’d like to work with Razzle Marketing then contact us by CLICKING HERE)

Don’t worry if you can’t though!

What’s important is that you start your email list —NOW!

Remember that your emails don’t have to be perfect, they just have to be consistent and have value.

Whether you have one subscriber or one thousand subscribers, you need to be sending out emails. (But don’t spam them, it’s a sure way to have them unsubscribe.)

I send out emails every Monday! Partly to help promote my latest blog post but mostly to share some deeper, more intimate knowledge when it comes to your online marketing basics.

If you’d like to join my email list for inspiration or just to stay in the loop with our blog posts and latest Razzle news feel free to! To join CLICK HERE

I hope this gave you some much needed insight into why it’s important to start your email list ASAP and I hope that you feel more confident in taking the plunge –and even if you aren’t, still go for it 😉

Until next week, I wish you nothing but success, happiness, and prosperity.


PS- Have you joined Razzle’s Email List? Every single Monday I dive deeper into my blog post and share more intimate and deeper details. So if you’re looking to get a real grasp on the basics for your online marketing, CLICK HERE to sign up now!