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5 Reasons You NEED An Email List (Yesterday!)

Have been wondering if an email list is necessary for your brand?
Maybe you’ve been humming and hawing thinking that maybe it’s just not that important.
Well, I would like to answer both of those questions:
Let me tell you 5 reasons why you need an email in my latest blog post. It will give you clarity on why it’s so important and there will be some facts in there that may blow your mind!
I know that email may seem like a pointless marketing choice because of all the emails that you ignore yourself, but think of the emails that you do open.
How often have you bought things from your favourite brands through email? I know there have been a few times I’ve shopped –unplanned– because of an email they sent me promoting it!
Don’t underestimate the powers of email marketing. Learn more about that and more by reading on.