What are Hashtags? Do I Even Need to Use Them?

Est Read Time: 5.5 Minutes

Before the rise of social media the hashtag simply used to be the pound sign → #

Once Twitter flew onto the scene though and turned it into a way to connect with specific content it has seen become the #Hashtag.

If you have been on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook you may have seen hashtags in action but maybe never really understood how to use it or why it’s so useful?

Well, I’m here today to help you clear up what a hashtag is, how to use it, and then the three types of hashtags you’ll want to use! And then as a bonus I’m going to tell you three tips to use them effectively.

So without further ado, let me tell you what a hashtag is!

What is a Hashtag?

This is a hashtag >> #

You use the # before a keyword or keywords with no spaces, for example: #SocialMediaMarketing #RazzleMarketing #HashtagAdvice

Hashtags cannot include punctuation.

You cannot put #Can’tBeHelped or #Don’t@Me

You use hashtagswhen you want to create a social media post and reach people outside of your audience.

It is one of the best ways to organically show your stuff to people outside of your followers!

[Organically means that you’re growing your social media audience without paying money.]

Not only does using a hashtag in your post caption or comments help people who are searching for specific content using hashtags it also helps show it to people who are more likely to enjoy your content.

So Why Should I Use Hashtags?

A huge reason is that by adding hashtags either to your post’s caption or comments you make it accessible to all users interested in similar topics who search for those hashtags –people who are not already part of your audience!

I mentioned this briefly above, but let me take a quick moment to expand on this. When you choose the right hashtags you greatly broaden your reach to more people and people who are actually interested in what your content is about.

When it comes to using hashtags you’ll want to make sure you use a variety of hashtags, including a few broad and generic hashtags like #RealEstate or #Marketing

But you also want more specific hashtags like #RealEstateinKamloops or #RazzleMarketing

Real estate agents could ask every client who buys a home to post an update photo with a quick review and tagging it with a custom hashtag like #SoldWithJordan

You’ll also want to use a mix of highly used hashtags as well as hashtags used under 1,000 times. If you want to see how much a hashtag has been used go on the platform that you want to post on and search it.

Remember, people can follow hashtags now like they can another person or business!

Okay, stay with me for just a few more minutes. I am going to share with you 3 types of hashtags you can use:

1. Content Hashtags

You want to choose some hashtags that directly relate to what your content is about –which usually relates to your service and area of expertise. These can be fairly general like #RealEstate #RealEstateHelp

2. Trending Hashtags

Trending hashtags could be hashtags such as a holiday, hot topic, or even trending games on that platform. But make sure when you use any hashtag you need to ask if you are adding value to that topic. Like #Halloween2023 #Christmas2023

3. Who You Are Targeting Hashtags

Think about the hashtags your audience uses! Literally look at the hashtags they are using and use them. If you are looking to target first time homeowners use tags like #myfirsthome #homeownerlife #myhome

4. Brand Specific Hashtags

As I mentioned, there are going to be hashtags that have a high-use volume so it’s a good idea to use brand specific hashtags. You’ll want to make sure that these hashtags aren’t really used –like #HomeSaleReviewForJordan #RazzleMarketingSocialTips

No matter what hashtag you are using you want to make sure that it is relevant to the topic you are tagging and that you are adding value to that tag. If you add a tag that’s way out in left field people might be extremely unimpressed with you and your brand.

For instance, if I made a post about how to use a hashtag and I tagged it with #WeddingBliss people are going to be annoyed wondering why the heck I used a wedding tag when my post clearly had nothing to do with it!

So be aware of that, friend.

Okay, so now you know that a hashtag is simply a pound sign in front of a keyword that you put either at the bottom of your caption or in the comments. And you know that you want to use a variety of hashtags between content, trending, and brand specific.

Before you head off to become a hashtag master though, I want to give you three quick tips to use hashtags efficiently!

1- Keep It Short

Don’t put too many words into a hashtag because an overly lengthy hashtag could turn others off as well, it’s unlikely too long of hashtags are used anyways.

2- Don’t Overuse

You don’t want to be #including #hashtags #with #every #word #because #it’s #annoying. Remember, your hashtags are supposed to be keywords in your post! As well, you’ll want to switch up the hashtags you use, don’t use the same ones in every single post.

3- Think Strategically

This is more directed to your ‘Content Hashtags’ since you’re most likely not creating them yourself like a ‘Brand Specific Hashtag’. You want to make sure that the hashtag is relevant and that you’re using a variety of highly used hashtags as well as hashtags under 1K.

In Conclusion

Okay friend, I am feeling really good about hashtags and I hope that you are after this clarification! To help you get started in the right direction with hashtags I want to encourage you to take a few minutes today to start a document for hashtags.

You can sort them under topics or however you would like that makes sense to you and start a list of hashtags you can use.

Of course, they don’t need to be in every post, but having this document saves you from racking your brain trying to come up with good hashtags! Heck, you could even note how many times it’s been used –just be sure to update that every few months to ensure accuracy.

Now remember, hashtags are #Keywords. You want to put them at the bottom of your caption or in your comments, doesn’t matter what you choose, it’s more of what you’d prefer to do really because they’re both effective.

When it comes to hashtags make sure they are:

  • Relevant
  • Short
  • Not overused

If you still have any questions when it comes to hashtags please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’d love to help you get the clarity you need on this topic as it’s an important piece to your organic strategy.

Alright, I wish you the best of luck! May your week find plenty of success and happiness.


If you’re looking for help with your social media, whether you want to hand it off completely or work with someone to be coached through managing your social please don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing me now: CLICK HERE