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Blog Small Business Help Social Media

How Do You View Social Media Marketing?

How do you view social media marketing?
Do you post and ghost? Do you spend hours just trying to write a couple of posts?
Do you use it to promote your business and nothing else?
Don’t worry, I was guilty of doing all of this myself back when I wrote a blog. Trust me, the blog was great, my social media marketing skills were not *sweat*
If only I had of known then what I know now…
Don’t make the same mistake I did, invest in your social media marketing.
Read on to learn why!

Blog Social Media

Let’s Talk Writing Content

We talked about content planning and creating a promotional and content calendar the last two weeks, but I’m certain there are still those who are asking how to write the planned content.

Unless you’re a creative person such as myself, I imagine it can be pretty hard trying to generate content ideas constantly. Heck, even I have a hard time thinking up content some days! (Nobody is perfect.)

So I thought I would give you three different ways to create content!

Try out all of them and see what approach works best for you, or even better, mix all three methods up to help keep you and your content fresh.