Category: Branding
What are Hashtags? Do I Even Need to Use Them?
RazzleMarketingHave you seen or heard of hashtags but you’re still scratching your head wondering what the heck it is and how it matters to you. Well, then this post is going to be for you! I clarify what a hashtag is for you but I don’t just stop there. I…
4 Tips to Help Your Messaging Hit the Mark With Your Audience
RazzleMarketingHave your marketing efforts felt like a waste of time? Whether you’re just getting started or have been managing your brand online for a while, if your marketing feels like it is not making much of a difference then maybe it’s time to take a step back and go through…
When Your Marketing Isn’t Working, Go Back to Ground Zero: Your Audience
RazzleMarketingIf you’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into your social media (or marketing in general) and you have seen little to no growth or success, I’ll bet you’re feeling pretty defeated? You’re probably frustrated as heck and wondering what the point even is anymore! Maybe you’re debating…
Where to Begin When You Start Your Brand’s Social Media
RazzleMarketingIf you feel stuck, if you don’t know where to start, or if you don’t know what to do, this is where you need to start. When it comes to your marketing, we have the details about ground zero and where you should begin. If you do this and you…