Juggling the demands of your business, personal, and online life can seem like a huge task leaving you feeling overwhelmed and drained!
Even when you complete things off your list it might still feel like you haven’t even touched surface yet, and nothing is worse than that my friend, trust me, I know!
I am going to let you in on my secret recipe consisting of five easy tips to have yourself a productive week which will leave you feeling fulfilled, successful, and most importantly productive!
1. Stop With the Multitasking
Having a lot of things to do and not a lot of time isn’t dangerous, but you know what is? Multi-tasking! Now I know you may be gasping at that, but here is the truth, multi tasking could be the reason as to why you feel like you never accomplish everything – EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE! Multi-tasking can create that feeling of overwhelmness that leaves you feeling stuck and having no idea where to start because your mind is turned in 100 different directions. This leads to procrastination, my friend, and we don’t want that!
By breaking down your weekly goals into a more achievable list you will immediately feel that overwhelmness disappear. If you are thinking “but then I won’t get anything accomplished!” Then take this as your starting point, I know multi tasking can be inevtiable at times but being consciously aware and correcting yourself to focus on the task at hand will help you with time management, and staying on track. Multitasking will truly pull you in too many directions and once you stop multitasking you will stop procrastinating!
2. Create Smaller Goals
Get in the habit of taking one step at a time by creating smaller goals for yourself to focus on. I know, I know, we all want to shoot for the stars but stepping stones are a vital part of getting to where you want to be. Whether that be personal, social, professional, or online.
At the start of your week make a list of tasks you need to complete and priotize three of them. Then, choose the first task and break it down into more achievable steps. You can break down your week by days if your list is looking very very long. This will give you a visual of how things will go throughout the week and what you will be achieving. And if you come across a day where things just do not work out for you, don’t throw in the towel and give up on having a productive day – remember when things go wrong do not go with them! Take a deep breath and keep moving forward!
3. Learn To Say “NO”
This is something you might not want to hear, but it has to be said.
Sometimes you need to be picky. Just because something can be done, it doesn’t mean that it must be done. Because let’s face it, we all are guilty for putting a task on our to-do list that maybe doesn’t belong there because it is a two minute fix, or it is just unimportant. This leaves you with an overly long and unnecessary to do list for the week, so you must learn to say no! Give a few minutes of thought towards your weekly goals and what you must achieve, and what can be left on the back-burner for now.
4. Focus on Results, Not the Process
When your to-do list is a mile long it can feel like you aren’t accomplishing anything because the process can feel like its dragging on. This is why focusing on results can have you feeling much more productive, when you accomplish a goal of yours and check it off your list, be excited about that! Allow yourself to feel good about it without clouding your mind with “now what’s next” if you feel happy about the results you will continue the process because you will want to focus on the feeling the results give you, not the dreading feeling of the process.
5. Take Breaks!
Self-care can be so important when it comes to feeling overwhelmed with all the things you need to accomplish. That can mean different things to different people, but essentially self-care is just taking care of yourself, whatever that may be for you.
I understand the grind, but it is vital for you to remember to take breaks, fuel your body with food that gives you energy, drink plenty of water, and exercise daily even if you can only fit in a 10 minute walk, anything counts!
For a person to perform at their best they must feel their best, and without feeling guilty for it! You are allowed to take a break without overloading your mind with all the things that you ‘should be doing’ because guess what? Taking a break is something that you NEED to be doing! Which will help you with being less prone to a burnout. You are not taking a real break if your mind is still focused on the things you aren’t doing. Practicing mindfulness can help with this!
And that is the secret recipe to a productive week, my friend!
Taking the time to plan your week ahead, breaking your goals into smaller steps, stop multitasking by focusing on one thing at a time, learning to say no when a task is not a priority, result focused, and taking breaks when needed – will help you achieve your weekly goals, and have you feeling more productive through your days!
If you have any thoughts on this or have more productivity tips you’d like to share, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email me at madisen@razzlemarketing.com.
Until next time, I wish you success!
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2 responses to “5 Tried and Tested Tips to Having a More Productive Week”
I agree!
Protecting our time is one of the hardest things to do! Is there anything else you’d add to the list?