4 Tips to Help Your Messaging Hit the Mark With Your Audience

Est Read Time: 7 Minutes

There was a time when the Razzle Marketing team did not have our messaging figured out. We spent all of our time working on our clients, forever saying “We’ll get to that later,” any time work for Razzle came up. Spoiler! We never got to it later 😬

So when it came to our content, we were just kind of making stuff up along the way and hoped people would like it…

Of course, some people did like it, but they were not our target audience.

Once we sat down and had scheduled time to work on Razzle projects, like getting clear on who we were serving and how we were going to serve them, things started to really happen for us!

We landed several new clients, started to see real growth not just in our follower count, but also our reach and engagement. –You don’t need to have a massive amount of followers to have massive amounts of reach and engagement! You just need to have content your audience thinks is good.

The key here being, your audience.

Everything marketing begins and ends with who you serve! You’re literally in business to serve this person, so why not double and put out content just for them?

Not only will you know what kind of content you need to create, you know what to say to grab their attention and keep it. But you want to be grabbing the attention of the ‘right’ people –your ideal clients.

To help you figure out how to do that, I thought I’d give you four helpful tips to hone in on your messaging and really hit the mark!

1. Know who your audience is, how do they talk?

What you want to do is become crystal clear on who your ideal client(s) are so that you can spend time listening to them.

You literally want to write down what they are saying word for word because you are going to use their own words in your content and marketing!

It’s really that simple.

Now I say simple, but I’m not saying it’s ‘easy’. Because it’s going to take time, you need to listen to them online and in person, and I mean really listen. It may be time consuming, but it’s the best way to start creating content and marketing that matters to them.

So if you want to waste less time in the long run, spend time with your ideal clients!

[Feel like you can get a bit more clear on who your ideal clients/audience are? Get our Ideal Audience Questionnaire and start to really get clear who you are trying to serve. To get our Questionnaire CLICK HERE]

2. Connect Emotionally, meet them where they are.

Talk about their current struggles so that they know you ‘Get It’. We’re all so tired of being sold to and have all these companies just looking to take our money with no real care or concern for us.

Marketing is all about emotions, and you need to start incorporating more emotion into your marketing. Be real, be raw, tell them about when you were where they are now.

Tell them how you wished what you offer was available to you back then so you didn’t have to struggle that way any longer, because they are going to resonate and connect with your shared struggle.

Not just that, but you’re going to give them one of the most important and powerful motivators out there –hope.

By identifying where they are and what they are struggling with, then telling them it’s more than possible for them to reach their goals/desires you give them hope!

3. Make everything about ‘them’, tell them how they will benefit

You are in the business of serving this person, so it only makes sense that you literally base all your marketing off of this person!

Don’t bore them going on and on about the features of your product. Go on and on about all the wonderful things that they can expect and feel when they choose to work with you.

People want life to be as easy as possible, and you are here to help them with that. But they need to know that you can do that for them, which is why you need to talk about them and how they will benefit from you.

At the end of the day, people only care about how things affect them.

They don’t care that it took you seven years to perfect your art or that you spent thousands of dollars on schooling so you can learn to do what you do.


They only care about how you can help them. Put your focus on your ideal client and tell them what they want to hear and what they need to hear.

Forget about what you want and forget about what everyone else wants.

What does your ideal client want?

4. Say the same things differently

I’ll impart one final piece of wisdom upon you when it comes to trying to perfect your messaging so it will hit the mark with your ideal client..

Continue to say the same things but differently.

One thing that we need to keep at the top of our mind is that we need to keep repeating the same several things over and over again but in different ways.

It’s pretty unlikely that your entire list of followers will see every single post you put out because that’s not how the algorithm works. However, at the same time, we do need to have the same stuff repeated back to us constantly so that we remember.

I know that you’re going to feel like a broken record (trust me, I do when I make another post about how you need to start with your audience when it comes to marketing) but people need to hear it!

Sometimes it takes hearing the same thing that you have heard time and time again framed differently than you usually hear it for it to sink in completely differently than ever before.

I can recall that happening to me a few times! I can’t remember exactly what it was, but I remember the feeling of finally ‘Getting It’.

So if you have been feeling like you’re content or marketing hasn’t really seen much success, then I recommend working through my four tips and really nailing them down. And it’s important to remember that your brand is going to continue to grow and adapt which means your audience will too!

That means if you have done all this but it was years ago (even two years ago!) you need to update it! Make it at least a yearly habit to relook at your audience and marketing to make sure it’s still aligned with what is currently true for your brand.

Here at Razzle we have scheduled two separate client connection weeks in 2023 and we plan to continue to do it twice a year every after because it’s so insightful. Spending time talking to our clients and really listening to them we were able to really hone in on what we were doing that was working and get rid of what was not working.

Not just that, but we were able to start nailing down our messaging and really feel like we’re connecting on a deeper level with the right people!

Getting it right is powerful for your business, friend. That’s why I’ll always talk about going back to ‘basics’ when you feel like things aren’t working in your business.

If you want more clarity on who you are trying to serve, get our Ideal Audience Questionnaire. Don’t stress out on where to begin, let me help you! To get the Questionnaire CLICK HERE.

And if you feel like you have a good understanding of who you are trying to serve, start to talk to them where they are at and connect with them so you can show them how they will benefit from working with you.

Make everything about them. All the personal stories that you share, all the educational content you put out, all the entertaining posts you create, and all the videos you make, all need to be about them. Always answer why they will care about it.

If they don’t care, don’t post!

I hope that you found this helpful and you’re able to start to figure out how you can improve your messaging so you can connect better with your community. It’s going to take time and some testing and tweaking, but I know you’ll get there!

If you didn’t care about putting out good content that your audience connects with then you wouldn’t be spending time searching up ways to improve it, so you’re already on the path to getting better 💪

If you need help with your messaging then jump on a free 30 minute zoom call with me, Jordan, the founder of Razzle Marketing. We’ll take a look at what you’re currently doing, talk about who you’re trying to reach, and come up with a handful of things you can start doing right away to improve your messaging! To take advantage, email me and we’ll set up a call at a date and time that works best for you. Just CLICK HERE

Until next week, I wish you the best. Happy Creating 🧑‍🎨


If you’ve been thinking about getting help managing your social media either with some coaching help or handing off completely, Razzle Marketing is ready to help! Email us today and tell us what you’re looking for. CLICK HERE