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How Often Should I Be Posting on My Social Media?

Are you trying to manage the social media for your brand and feeling overwhelmed with trying to ‘keep up’?
Do you find yourself wondering, “How often SHOULD I be posting on social media?”
You’ve looked it up and you find SO MANY conflicting answers.
“Post DAILY.”
“Post three times a day!”
It’s completely overwhelming and you are feeling more stressed out than before! Will no one have an answer for you?!
I DO!!
I have one that I think is going to make sense and help you feel a little more confident about managing your social media.
You just need to read this blog post! If you don’t want to read the whole thing, I do give you the answer right away, but I feel like you should read the whole thing so you can better understand why I suggest what I do.
Alright, if you need some answers –read on friend!