Tag: growth
5 Reasons You Need to Define Your Audience
RazzleMarketingI have been going on quite about about your audience and how to do it, but I realized that I haven’t dove into the why enough! 😲 I sat down and I brainstormed all the reasons why you should define your audience –like know them so deeply it’s almost as…
3 Tips To Help You Create Content that Connects With Your Audience Better
RazzleMarketingWhen it comes to connecting with your audience do you feel like you’re struggling? Are you spending hours and hours creating amazing content that no one is engaging with? I’ll bet you’re feeling pretty frustrated at this point and almost ready to throw in the towel! –Before you do though,…
Marketing Basics: Defining Your Audience
RazzleMarketingWhen you post social media content are you trying to speak to everyone? Have you heard the advice to widdle your ideal audience member down to one person? If you have but have not done it is it because you are afraid to narrow your audience down to one person?…