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Why Should I Start My Christmas Marketing in November?

Nov 6 Razzle Marketing Blog "Why Should I start Christmas Marketing in November?

Promoting Christmas offers and discounts in November can feel icky so you opt out of it because you don’t think it’s for you.
And if it truly doesn’t align with your brand’s values then that makes complete sense, however, if it doesn’t go against your brand values I want to encourage you to put those thoughts and feelings towards early Christmas promotion to the side for a moment.
I want to share some very interesting statistics that might have you considering the benefits to not just you, but also your ideal clients/customers!
For instance, one of the statistics is that 6 in 10 consumers say they are looking for more deals this year, which we can safely guess is from the increase in the cost of living…
So the earlier they know about what you have to offer the more likely they are to buy from you! It’s really a huge benefit, especially post pandemic, to connect with your clients/customers and let them know what you have in store for them.
Read more about this and other incredible statistics by reading this post!