8 Social Media Content Ideas to Get You Started
Est Read Time: 5 Minutes
Coming up with ideas for your social media content can be such a pain! Especially when you’re in a time crunch and you’re feeling the crushing weight of feeling like you have to show up…
I won’t lie, I am an idea generating machine! I tend to overwhelm people with all of my ideas! Sometimes I can get a bit ‘flighty’ even and start throwing out more wishful thinking than ideas 😅
However, I am only human and there are plenty of days where I am feeling less than inspired. Like days my spouse and I have a disagreement, or when my daughter is having a day where she would like constant attention, or when my depression is threatening to push its way in and take over.
I have plenty of days where I have to fight inner battles so I will just sit down and do the work.
But as I recover from my severe depression and as I find my flow and really plunge into my love of creative work, those days are less frequently.
Afterall, Maya Angelou said it best, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
So it’s not always that you can’t think of content ideas, you’re just having a hard time getting started! Which is why I thought I would help you on the days that you are stuck (so bookmark this post!) by getting you started with 6 content ideas 🤩
And honestly, these 8 content ideas will probably springboard many more for you! These 8 ideas are just a place to help you get started. So I hope you find these helpful and inspiring.
Eight Useful Content Ideas:
- Behind-the-Scenes: People LOVE to see behind the scenes of businesses! Truly, who doesn’t like to be a fly on the wall? Especially when you’re sharing real, raw, and authentic happenings. People resonate with content that shows someone being ‘human’.
- Quick Tip: Give your audience a quick tip that they could easily do themselves. You want to give them a quick win and watch as they come back for more!
- Fun Fact: I love it when I learn something new, don’t you? So it’s always great to share a fun little fact about you, your business, your industry, heck, even share fun little facts about your audience! (What a great way to clearly identify your target audience 😏)
- Introduction: Introduce yourself! Introduce your team! Heck, introduce your office dog (or cat)! What awesome, easily relatable content that builds and fosters the relationship between you and your audience!
- Product/Service Highlight: Looking to take on a new client? Need to boost sales a little? Well then make a post about it! Highlight features and benefits of a product or service you sell. Really tell your audience about all the good things they will get when they purchase it.
- Gratuity Post: It never hurts to be grateful. And sharing what you’re grateful for will help others think about what they are grateful for in their life! It’s such a great conversation starter. And again, this is a fantastic opportunity to build and foster relationships with your audience 🤗
- Business Bestie Tag: Give a shoutout for your business bestie! Don’t have a business bestie? Then give a shoutout to one of your favourite small businesses or even a business/someone you admire. Trust me, when you put positive out into the universe you see it return 10 fold! It doesn’t hurt to be nice.
- Vulnerable Story: This is one of my favourite posts. Honestly, when my mentors or CEOs I look up to are vulnerable and share their business and personal struggles it humanizes them and makes them more relatable. I also almost always engage with their vulnerable posts. Now, be aware not to overshare. If you’re unsure of what is going to be ‘too much’ to share, ask your biz bestie or consult a team member. Usually when you share a vulnerable story there is a lesson behind it or a reason you’re relating back to. (Like how I was a little vulnerable at the start of this blog post, sharing my struggle with creating consistent content lately.)
At the end of the day, you want content that people will share and engage with. If no one is commenting, reacting, sharing, or saving your content, then you need to readjust your strategy
How do you encourage engagement and content sharing? By providing value to your audience!.
If you want to provide value, you need to know your audience. You have to identify what their biggest pain points and struggles are so you can identify them and solve them!
Give them small wins, bite-size information, and even entertain them. Grab their attention and relate to them by telling them you know what they are struggling with and you understand it because you’ve been there.
Share your story –but always make sure that it is relevant and you tell your audience why they care about your story.
(Basically make your story about them.)
Social media is all about connection and relationship building. What’s important to remember is that you can’t just post and expect engagement. You also have to engage with other people! Comment, reply to stories, like, and share content you love!
Now, I hope you found this useful and my 8 content ideas help inspire you to create this and even more.
Be sure to bookmark this page so you can come back to it for future reference! And let me know if you found this post valuable. I’d love to get some feedback on what you loved and maybe even tell me about how you’re struggling with your brand’s social media so I can make a blog post to help you!
Just send me an email by CLICKING HERE
PS- Having trouble keeping up with creating consistent content and you don’t want to deal with it anymore? Well, have we got news for you! We are taking on clients for social media management and coaching! EMAIL ME today and let’s make sure we’re a good fit for you or check out our SERVICES