4 Reasons Why You Should Batch Your Social Media Content

Est Read Time: 6 Minutes

When it comes to managing your brand’s social media are you writing out each post on the day you want to post it?

Are you basically flying by the seem of your pants posting?

Well, what if I told you there was a way you could do it and you only needed to dedicate a few hours every few weeks to creating content?

I’m talking about CONTENT BATCHING!

There are huuuuge benefits to content batching, friend. I would know, I literally create content for multiple accounts because I do content batching!

Let me tell you about my 5 reasons why you should start batching content.

1- It Saves You Time

Let’s look at what you’re doing now: creating and posting as you go.

Let’s say it takes you about an hour total each day you do it and you do it four times a week. That’s four hours for four posts

But what if you spent up to four hours creating content for 2+ weeks once or twice a month?!

Believe it or not, content batching does that!

There is something about sitting down to create a bunch of content in one go that gives you a flow that creating on the spot every day won’t give you. You’ve already got the creative juices flowing and we find more content ideas are sparked in our batching session.

Plus, when you have all your content batched and scheduled, the only time you need to spend on social media is connecting with your community and replying to comments! (Which is so much easier than trying to post, engage, and check in on it constantly.)

2- It Gives You Peace of Mind

This honestly is my #1 reason to batch content.

When you are trying to post on the fly as you go you will fall behind and become the bottleneck in your business.

You’ll be stressed out trying to figure out what to post and then having to remember to post it!

When I first started out I was live posting for my business and first client, thinking it wasn’t a big deal to post as I go.

Even though I had the content planned out and all I had to do was copy and paste it, it was a HUGE CHORE!

It did not work out and I quickly moved to batching and scheduling it. (Content batching is when you create content for 1 or more weeks and schedule it)

So although it’s batched, you still want to take that extra few minutes to schedule it at the same time! (If you’re posting to Facebook or Instagram use Creator Studio!! –It’s FREE)

When you have your content batched and scheduled and all you have to do is check-in on your socials it is so much easier to deal with on a daily basis. Really, the peace of mind you get from batching your content is unbelievable!

3- It Gives You Consistency

So I know that all the experts tell you that posting 3 times a day 7 days a week is how you will see growth but I am going to challenge that and say that’s not true.

You see growth when you are consistent.

And consistent is beyond just how often you post, it also is your brand tone and messaging. When you batch content you can easily spot when a post is off in tone or messaging.

It’s easy to spot the content that doesn’t fit with your brand when it’s batched over posting on the fly.

And especially if you aren’t posting on a schedule and you’re posting on the fly that usually means sometimes you show up once a week, sometimes three, and sometimes not at all!

Batching and scheduling means you can make a commitment to a certain number of posts a week and be able to deliver. 

*Do not overwhelm yourself with a posting schedule.*

If you cannot create posts for 5 times a week with the time you can dedicate to content batching then do not do it! Create 3 posts a week or heck, 2 if you have to!

Just make a commitment that is feasible to you for the long-term. You can always add more later when you’re finally in a place that allows you to create more.

Until then, don’t stress!

4- It Helps You Strategize

I kind of mentioned this already, but when you batch your content you are able to strategize a lot better!

You’re able to lay out your content and post to a ‘theme’. Like for two weeks you focus on content for first-time buyers and then the next two weeks you want to focus on first-time sellers.

When you batch content and do the planning you’re able to put content out with a strategy and purpose!

(Just make sure that whatever you are creating is created with your audience in mind. If you don’t think your audience will like it don’t post it!)

Posting with a strategy also saves you time because you’re no longer putting time and energy into posts that won’t matter to your audience. And when you’re posting on the fly you’re usually too stressed to think about, “Will my audience like this?”

–You’re usually preoccupied with thinking, “I have to get a post out! I can’t miss a day!”

That’s so stressful, friend. I don’t want you doing that anymore! I want you to commit to batching your content from here on out!

Sit down now and decide what day(s) are going to be dedicated to creating, batching, and scheduling content.

For me, I have set my content creation days to Tuesday to Thursday. Mine is weekly because I have multiple accounts to worry about, but you should be able to pick one day every two or three weeks (depending on how much content you batch at a time!).


Before you sit down to plan and create your content I would highly recommend creating a page of content ideas!

I have a Google Document for myself and each client with a chart. It has two column: Themes and Topics.

The themes are general ideas: Content Creation, Selling, Marketing

The topics are more specific areas under the theme: Content Creation: how to content batch, why you should batch content, self-editing tips. Selling: Hard Sell vs. Soft Sell, How to sell on social media, how to create content for selling.

When you have a document of content ideas ready to go it makes creating content muuuch easier!


Of course, not everyone is the same, but we’re sure once you start content batching and reaping the benefits of it you won’t stop!

Remember that there are four amazing benefits to batching your content:

  • It saves you time
  • It gives you peace of mind
  • It gives you consistency
  • It helps you strategize

So schedule in your content batching days now my friend and stay committed!

Until next week, I wish you success, prosperity, and all the happiness –you deserve it.


If you are struggling with keeping up managing your brand’s social media you should reach out to Razzle Marketing! We offer several packages to take your social media off your plate. Email us today and ask us how we can help you.